Luxury customers have high expectations, and it’s up to you to meet them. The agency founder offers a prescription for overcoming obstacles and finding success.

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Real estate can sometimes feel like the Wild West. I have no idea what will happen. All you can do is be prepared and stay alert to give your clients the best advice.

As a new agent, navigating difficult sales and transactions can be both difficult and rewarding. The luxury goods market in particular comes with unique demands and high expectations.

But let me tell you a secret. With the right strategy, focused mindset, and positive attitude, you can overcome any obstacle and succeed. Here I share my tips to help new agents excel in the exciting and ever-evolving field of luxury real estate.

1. Build a strong network.

Connect and work with experienced agents and brokers at Luxury Brokers. Their knowledge and expertise is invaluable in navigating difficult sales and transactions.

Expand your network by attending networking events, joining industry associations, and joining online communities. At The Agency, one of our most popular and beloved networking events is our annual Global Forum. This forum aims to educate, inspire, and foster new connections between colleagues based in offices around the world.

2. Continue self-development

Stay up to date on industry trends, market insights, and regulations specific to luxury real estate. Increase your knowledge and skills by attending workshops, webinars, and seminars. This will not only help you better understand the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in the luxury goods trade, but also enable you to confidently address them.

3. Develop excellent negotiation skills

Negotiations in luxury real estate can be complex and require tact. Invest your time in mastering negotiation techniques, understanding the needs and motivations of both buyers and sellers, and finding creative solutions to address challenges that may arise during a transaction.

4. Leverage technology

Leverage digital tools and platforms to streamline processes and increase efficiency. Utilize customer relationship management (CRM) systems to manage customer interactions, transaction management software to organize documents, and virtual tour technology to remotely showcase luxury properties.

Technology can greatly simplify and increase efficiency. Leverage technology to help you do what you do best: sell real estate.

5. Provide excellent customer service

In luxury real estate, good customer service helps establish strong trust and rapport with customers. This trust becomes even more important in difficult transactions, as the client will be able to trust your abilities, expertise, and dedication to their specific needs.

Customer service is so important that we even have a customer service strategy that highlights the details of providing our customers with our signature service. When clients trust you, they are more likely to work with you to overcome obstacles and find solutions.

6. Communicate a lot

Clear and concise communication with customers is paramount, especially during difficult markets or tense trading. Complex transactions may involve multiple parties, complex contractual details and time-sensitive decisions.

By keeping your clients well-informed and updated throughout the process, you can alleviate client concerns, address potential misunderstandings, and maintain transparency, which your clients will always appreciate. I highly rate it.

7. Manage expectations

In the field of luxury real estate, big-ticket deals often come with high expectations from customers, and rightly so. There’s a lot of money and emotion at stake.

By communicating clearly and consistently with your clients, you can effectively manage their expectations. You can set realistic timelines, account for the intricacies of the transaction process, and provide regular progress updates. When clients have a solid understanding of what to expect or what obstacles may arise, they are more likely to remain patient and cooperative even when faced with challenges. It will be expensive.

In general, real estate is a high-stakes, emotional business. Customers have high expectations at every price point, and that’s no different at the luxury price point. Always be adaptable, seek solutions, and put your client’s needs first.

Mauricio Umansky is agency In Los Angeles.Connect with him at Instagram.



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