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Someone in the Republican Party tells Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to focus all her bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on the Democrats and stop trying to defeat her own party. The time has come.

The Georgia Republican, who famously showed sexually explicit photos of Hunter Biden during a committee hearing and called her colleague Rep. Lauren Boebert a bitch on the House floor, is known for his outrageous antics. He is known for his devious attitude as well as his stupid conspiracy theories.

Now she is threatening to oust Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. With a five-vote majority in the House of Representatives, the Louisiana congressman can take on high-stakes issues such as funding for Ukraine and reauthorizing the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which are unpopular with some conservatives. As they ride it out, they’re trying to keep their caucuses intact. He also struggled to pass a funding bill that required him to rely on Democrats for large new spending measures beyond the threshold.

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To be sure, not all Republicans are in favor of spending billions more to arm Ukraine. Especially since our country’s borders remain wide open. Many Republicans had hoped that in exchange for support for Kiev, Mr. Johnson would demand border security. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (which is probably why Hunter Biden was so richly employed there), and America’s billions sent to fight Vladimir Putin It’s not clear whether all the dollars were spent for that purpose. As I wrote early in the war, there is almost certainly insufficient supervision.

Nevertheless, it is the right thing to do against Russia’s power-crazed dictator. President Putin’s ambitions extend beyond Ukraine. The next target is likely to be a NATO ally, which could put the United States on its heels.

This war took a terrible toll on Ukraine’s brave people, but it also revealed Russia’s vulnerability. If President Biden had authorized a full-scale war of aggression against Moscow, we would not have reached the seeming stalemate. Because of his procrastination, Ukraine is now at a disadvantage and in dire need of arms and ammunition. This can be resolved. We need to provide funding and urge the White House to chart a path to victory.

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When it comes to FISA, Republicans are understandably cautious about allowing warrantless surveillance. The law has been abused in the past, most hated today by allowing Hillary Clinton’s apparatchiks to monitor the Trump campaign. Nevertheless, it was not that long ago that the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists. Given that millions of people have entered the country illegally since Biden took office, and hundreds of them are on terrorist watch lists, we need to step up our vigilance against terrorism, not lower it. It is essential.

Mike Johnson has opposed updating FISA in the past. He asked why he changed his mind and he replied that he changed his mind after receiving a confidential briefing on the matter. I believe in him.

Mr Green was elected in 2022 by a total of 170,162 voters in the district. Cook Report Rating R+22, he doesn’t like any of it and would rather burn down the House than work for the greater good, figuratively speaking. The greater good is to defeat Joe Biden in November, unless she forgets her and her Congressional grievances.

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Our nation faces tremendous challenges, many of which are the result of President Biden’s misguided and dangerous policies.

If Biden wins four more years in the Oval Office, we will move further down the path to unstable and unreliable green energy while wasting our nation’s abundant and cheap oil and gas resources. It will be forced.

If Democrats gain control of Congress, which Greene is likely to facilitate, they are likely to push through tax increases that will hurt investment and productivity, thereby suppressing wage growth. This will open the door to further waste. Law enforcement will become even more dysfunctional and millions more people will likely enter the country illegally. Our education system will continue to deteriorate, and a new generation of inner-city boys and girls will not be able to emerge from the system and move up the ladder of opportunity.

Marjorie Taylor Greene submits motion to Chairman Johnson

Democrats push to empower unions, trample on the rights of people who choose not to join, and push through measures like broad student loan forgiveness and court-wielding “clean” energy mandates. They may try to pack the Supreme Court to do so. blocked.

In short, a lot is at stake.

Last October, other disgruntled Republicans ousted Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. It wasn’t a wise or productive move. Several House Republicans subsequently resigned, fed up with the rancor and self-aggrandizement of those who disrupted the chamber. As a result, what used to be a slim majority is now on life support, making it even more difficult to govern.

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The ouster of the popular Mr. McCarthy also significantly shook the public’s view of the Republican Party. In May 2023, registered voters were evenly split between supporting and disapproving of the Republican Party. Today is 25 point difference, 61% disapproved and 36% supported. It doesn’t help win elections.

Intra-party fighting should stop. If Marjorie Taylor Greene and others want to oppose aid to Ukraine or the FISA bill, they can vote against it. That’s how democracy works.


America’s future is at stake. Former President Donald Trump, who desperately wants to oust Biden from office, knows how dangerous chaos in the House of Representatives can be. He recently met with Mike Johnson in Florida and gave him an important and well-deserved vote of confidence. “I support the Speaker,” President Trump declared. He also said he thinks Johnson is “doing a very good job — he’s doing about as good a job as you’re going to do.”

What is your message to MTG? In the words of Hillary Clinton: Get over yourself. Today’s mission is to elect Donald Trump.

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