Following the bombshell, NAR and its executives claimed no knowledge of widespread wrongdoing, and NAR CEO Bob Goldberg told the Times, “I have no intention of characterizing my conduct.” No,” he said. [sexual harassment at NAR] as a problem. “
Furthermore, in a NAR Magazine article of 10 August 2023, “NAR prioritizes a respectful workplaceGoldberg said the industry group “consistently strives to improve the workplace for all employees and has a robust set of policies and procedures in place to maintain a positive and respectful work environment.” “We are introducing a training program,” he was quoted as saying. NAR “takes pride in following the best governance practices in place across our country and remains committed to fostering a culture that listens to the public and encourages them to come forward when appropriate.” ‘ said.
Polsinelli’s letter
However, a letter from Dennis Drakelawyer. Polsinelli Law Office Submitted to Goldberg from 14 July 2023, acquirer inman newsquestioning the NAR’s schedule and efforts to clean up its toxic culture.
The letter reveals that the NAR has launched an investigation into the conduct of NAR officials and officials. Porcinelli investigated the 2022 allegations of wrongdoing and the allegations Brevard brought in the lawsuit. Drake wrote that Polsinelli discovered evidence that the organization’s “highest leadership” was engaging in “disrespectful” and “creepy” behavior in 2022. Drake’s letter was sent two weeks after Brevard’s lawsuit was filed and a week after she voluntarily dropped it.
The letter, released by Inman, shows that Polsinelli presented evidence of past wrongdoing by several NAR leaders, despite repeated statements by NAR leaders that downplayed such issues within the organization. You seem to have confirmed what you found.
“As you know, some of the issues raised last year turned out to be true,” Drake wrote in the letter. These can range from bullying or bullying, to racially insensitive leaders, or sexual or “creepy” communications or behavior. Again, both female and male leaders were identified as having been involved in some of the allegations that I found to be legitimate. “
Drake did not disclose the leaders involved or the allegations she deemed “legitimate.”
However, in the letter, Drake stated that based on its investigation, the allegations in the Brevard lawsuit are not true. She also claims that had the lawsuit continued, NAR could have filed legal documents that “shed a different light on the allegations.” Additionally, Drake said Brevard’s claim that three other women complained about Purcell’s behavior is inaccurate, she said, adding that “both the number of women and the issue are false.” Stated.
Since the letter was sent to Goldberg, more than 20 other women have come forward with allegations of wrongdoing.
According to the letter, NAR attempted to assist Mr. Purcell, and Mr. Drake exchanged attorney emails with NAR legal executives to “strategize ways to assist Mr. Purcell as well as NAR” and to provide assistance to NAR’s legal team. He wrote that he worked with the team to “make sure we showed up.” To support NAR and Mr. Purcell, come up with creative ideas that go far beyond what other organizations and companies typically allow. “
In his resignation letter, Purcell said the allegations against him were “totally false.”
According to the letter, Drake believed Brevard’s lawsuit and its allegations against NAR and Purcell would not last long.
In his letter, Mr. Drake said, “As long as leaders do not gossip or otherwise inflame the problem, or allow others to stir up the problem by gossiping, this issue will become a priority for NAR and Mr. Purcell.” It should be resolved,” he said.
In his letter, Drake praised Goldberg and NAR for implementing new policies and procedures to combat harassment and said NAR “has taken disciplinary or other action against certain individuals.” said. Drake did not name the individuals who were disciplined.
NAR hasn’t given up on Goldberg
In the wake of the scandal, NAR announced its support for Mr. Goldberg. In a statement dated September 1, 2023, Kasper confirmed that the rumored emergency meeting did in fact take place earlier that week, writing: The Executive Committee agreed that we have a common purpose and will come together to support our staff, including Bob. “
Goldberg is currently planning to retire At the end of 2024, he will end his 30-year career in industry associations.
Kasper reiterated in a video message Thursday that NAR recognizes the need to rebuild trust between NAR and its members and staff.
“I’m upset to hear that some of our members and staff don’t feel safe or respected, and I want you to know that I feel that way,” Kasper said.
Attorney Kasper, who is based in Boise, Idaho and has been a longtime member of the group’s leadership circle, said NAR will “improve and become even better” in the future, adding that NAR “will continue to improve how reports of misconduct are handled.” “We intend to involve external experts to assess whether this will be done.” I investigated and resolved it. “
She also told members that NAR plans to evaluate how leaders are selected and how they interact with staff. However, Kasper did not discuss the findings of past misconduct, saying that NAR only recently began investigating after “recent reports” of sexual harassment, which Drake wrote in the letter. That seems to contradict what you wrote.
NAR Accountability Project
For many industry experts, NAR’s response to this scandal was anything but appropriate. On the Monday after the announcement, times Exposure, Jason Haber; compass needle Agent From Manhattan petition Demands Mr. Purcell’s dismissal. By Wednesday, the effort had morphed into: NAR Accountability Project.
Last Saturday, a week after the Times article was published, Haber launched another petition calling for the resignation of Bob Goldberg and other NAR executives.
in a statement regarding Outlining the NAR Accountability Project’s four-point plan, Haber wrote: It is disappointing to see an institution that is supposed to promote professionalism and integrity in the real estate industry perpetuate an environment where women feel unsafe. It’s time for consumers to take action. We cannot stand by and watch countless people suffer these injustices. We must demand accountability from his NAR leadership and push for immediate change that protects the health of our employees while restoring the association’s honor. “
In addition to resigning or firing Goldberg and others, the plan calls for all former employees and independent contractors to be released from non-trade secret nondisclosure agreements and for NAR to conduct a “thorough and comprehensive internal investigation.” requires maintaining an independent law firm in order to do so. and NAR must implement a third-party personnel reporting system.
The petition had more than 300 signatures as of Friday afternoon.
restoration of trust
In an emailed statement to HousingWire, Kasper wrote that NAR acknowledges that not enough is being done to restore the confidence of its members and staff in the organization.
“The leaked memo was shared with the NAR Executive Board and past presidents shortly after the Janelle Brevard lawsuit was filed and later withdrawn. At the time, our outside counsel told us that the accusations against a sitting president were disturbing and unprofessional. However, it did not rise to the level of misconduct and the company was advised that corrective action had been taken against him. It also indicated that there had been no further reports of misconduct since the incident. ” she wrote.
“We are focused on making meaningful change with urgency and creating an environment that fosters accountability and transparency. We evaluate existing policies and protocols and We’ve hired external culture experts to help us continually improve and evolve. We’ve brought in outside culture experts to help us continue to improve and evolve. We’ve hired external culture experts to ensure that leadership decisions, members and staff “I believe we are moving in a better direction in terms of listening to and supporting the voices of people,” she concluded.