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So what’s next for this industry? bomb new york times article did you fall this weekend? Hopefully it’s a calculation. Twenty-nine brave women came forward after their numerous complaints were ignored. The article’s comment section was closed after 343 public comments, with more women and men confirming the NAR’s culture is broken and toxic.

update: NAR Chairman Kenny Purcell resigned before the end of the day on Monday after the NYT article was published on Saturday morning. MORE: NAR Chairman Kenny Purcell Resigns Following NYT Exposure

What struck me most was the timeline of events. As CEO, I had ample opportunity to sidestep this “negative” part for the National Association of Realtors (NAR). bob goldberg I referred to Saturday’s revealing article about what it was like or what it was like for women working at the NAR. President Kenny Purcell. It’s time to end toxic workplaces, boards and elected practices. It starts with you, the member, making grassroots changes in your daily life.

Kenny’s Cipher

If the NAR followed its policy, code of conduct, I would argue Purcell lasted less than two weeks in his current position. But here’s the problem, and it’s a big problem. noisy fraternity/ I am an influential businessman culture has long been accepted in our industry Women can also get a home loan.

Worse still, the “father knows best” attitude carries over when most of the upper-level leaders take it on and get promoted, instead, it is the It is not possible. Instead, leaders become concerned with building a legacy rather than identifying the changes that are actually needed.they are well made personal words for life It’s about selling yourself to the people around you.

Kenny’s Words to Live By, Courtesy of NAR

Many times these are individual I have extreme confidence in myself and my abilities. They are often surrounded by others who give them praise and recognition for their minimal work, resulting in an atmosphere in which they are big fans of themselves and much self-celebration. .

Many of their favorite projects are marketing ideas These are vanity projects and don’t necessarily read what the core audience or consumers need. They think good marketing is showing off wealth signals like boats, cars, motorcycles, cigars, whiskey, golf tournaments and luxury experiences. You know, cool boy with cool toys.

Vanity projects and custom belt buckles

The Riding with the Brand theme evokes Old West traditions.

“When a cowboy rides for a brand, it means they agree with the ranch owner’s mission, goals and objectives,” Purcell says. “It also meant they promised to protect the brand as if it were theirs.

This is nothing more than a textbook. The hottest movie of the summer barbiehad The entire story is dedicated to humans, horses, and the desire to be in charge.

“According to Chatman, narcissistic leaders are overly bossy, overconfident, dishonest, and credit-grabbing and blame-blaming. They do not listen to experts, cause conflict, and believe that the rules simply do not apply to them. There is always an “I” in their team concept. ”- Mickey Butts How Narcissistic Leaders Degrade Organizational Ethics

bad management

It’s 2023, and we often have to keep checking our calendars because it’s often hard to believe that problems like this are still as serious as they are. Yet, in reality, it will never change until everyone realizes that this is a serious problem and refuses to tolerate it. You have to stand up for yourself. We must stop turning a blind eye.

Here is a short list of things no one should tolerate in their life Work environment

  • Inappropriate jokes and memes
  • Colleagues drinking excessively at an office event
  • someone is in a bad mood and has to walk on eggshells
  • Inflexible, unfussy or over-explained in caring for children, doctor visits, vacations, disability or illness
  • engage in any kind of contact without permission
  • We are all in a ‘family’ culture of sacrificing ourselves and swearing allegiance.
  • I feel uncomfortable taking my lunch break
  • Public humiliation at meetings as a form of ‘motivation’.
  • Called to the “principal’s office” and reprimanded like a child
  • emotional abuse or manipulation
  • Terrible mileage and bookkeeping procedures that result in using personal funds to complete business tasks
  • Poor pay raise and bonus structure not fair market rate
  • Take on extra work because you don’t want to cause problems
  • Listen to people throwing tantrums, yelling, and slamming things around them
  • After-hours texting, phone calls, and meetings
  • You are constantly asked to do more than your job description
  • Comments about your appearance
  • Afraid to talk to management about problems because they are afraid of management’s reaction
  • No respect for personal workspaces or items
  • No constant interruptions, no respect for individual workflows
  • Weaponized incompetence (doesn’t clean up after, doesn’t know how to use important office equipment, always asks for work because he’s better at it)

In my experience, bad admins often protect these worst crimeBecause one of the things boys are good at is uniting and lifting each other up. How can you know this? How can a woman know that? It’s a personal experience.

Please ask me anything Woman talking about her single job They will tell stories in their lives that have made them feel uncomfortable, underpaid, taken advantage of, overworked, and unappreciated. Not being offered the same level of pay or respect because they are not the head of the household, or even considered the head of the household because they are not “men with families.”

We are sold the lie that if we work harder, we will eventually be rewarded. Continue on and you will be invited to a table. But what no one tells you is that your table might be full of people you don’t want to sit next to.

You’ve worked so hard and sometimes you find the people above you disgusting, and all the changes you thought you could make are a guy with wide eyes, arguing, and calling you an asshole behind your back. You’re going to be in constant fights with us (or worse, face to face) if you don’t get along.

Consent and setting boundaries are key to solving problems

All of this is a permission issue after all. This situation is repeated over and over again because no one is forcing consent. You have to stand up for yourself and other women to keep this bullshit from happening. If you find yourself in a work environment like this, you should either change your environment or quit.

Don’t be afraid to point out this bad behavior to men. Men aren’t used to having their behavior pointed out in public, so once you get used to it, you’ll be amazed at how effective and how fast it works.

You don’t have to be nice, smile or joke to allow this behavior. Start calling it as it is. Tell management and if management doesn’t listen or you have a problem with management, keep escalating the issue. Do not give up. Real change begins at the grassroots level in the real world.

We are sold the lie that if we work harder, we will eventually be rewarded. Continue on and you will be invited to a table. But what no one tells you is that your table might be full of people you don’t want to sit next to.

Here’s a short list of things that can help you set boundaries

Feel free to use it in your office or supermarket. I’ve also used it at gas stations. I’m tired of the bad behavior I encounter with men I don’t know at public places and networking events.

  • you please do not You have permission to touch me, so please stay away from me.
  • you please do not I have permission to talk about the topic around me.
  • you please do not Give yourself permission to ruin other people’s work environments because you can’t control your own emotions.
  • your impulse control problems is not It’s a collective problem, but it’s also a personal problem that needs professional help. keep it to yourself.
  • you please do not You have permission to completely ignore the boundaries set by others because you don’t agree with them or consider them unnecessary.
  • you not allowed To impose your religious or political views on me.
  • you please do not I have permission to ask personal questions about my life.
  • you please do not Please give me permission to comment on my weight, age, or clothing choices because you don’t agree or understand. No need to explain.
  • you no permission You think your time is more important than mine, which is why you end up being loud and confusing all the time.
  • you not allowed Being in a personal space where you were not invited.
  • you please do not You have permission to contact me outside office hours.
  • you please do not I have permission to treat my colleague disrespectfully.

Here’s the minimum list we’re looking for in a NAR:

  • accountability
  • safe working environment
  • Responsible Use of Membership Fees
  • Right to Opt Out: Separate MLS and Lockbox Access from NAR
  • Improving screening of RPAC candidates
  • Less Notes, More Actions
  • Compliance with the Code of Ethics


In Purcell’s own words:

“Our best teacher is our last mistake.” Kenny Purcell2023 NAR President

This nonsense has been going on long enough. I know you are tired. I know you are extremely busy. The only way to get this kind of leadership is to go against it. Good candidates and representatives are too busy to take on these surplus volunteer roles, so they often run unopposed at the local level.

It’s time to take some items off your plate, ask your partner to help, and make room for participation. You can no longer look the other way. I can’t wait for someone else to fix it. You can’t complain, but you can’t take action. Get it from Parcel. It takes all of us to make change happen.

“By doing our best together, we can move the association forward and leave the association better than we started with.” Mr Purcell says. “We will be better today than we were yesterday, and tomorrow better than today.”

Rachel Haidt is a former agent, business development specialist, fair housing advocate, copy editor, and currently completing long-term home sales jobs in a retirement community in Northern Virginia. You can connect with her about her life, marketing and business. Instagram.



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