In a recent gesture of friendship and respect, UFC flyweight Jasmine Jasdavicius publicly invited recent opponent Miranda Maverick to come practice with Canada’s Niagara Top Team (NTT). .

The invitation comes after a disturbing incident in which Maverick received death threats and harassment online after his loss to Jasdavicius at UFC 289.

Jasdavicius addressed the situation on Twitter, expressing support for Maverick and expressing feelings that were at odds with the animosity Maverick experienced online.

What happened to “If there’s nothing good to say, don’t say anything”?‘ she wrote. “It was an honor to share the Octagon with Miranda.Those who talk shit are the same as those who can never do what we do

The Canadian fighter’s invitation to Maverick is a testament to the respect between these two athletes despite the competitive nature of their profession. Yasdavicius emphasized this respect in a tweet, stating:This is a general invitation to come train with @FearTheMAVERICK anytime at NTT 🙏🏻

It remains to be seen if Maverick will accept the offer. But the gesture is an example of the kind of support and unity found in the MMA community, even in the face of adversity.



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