
Benjamin Netanyahu has officially notified Israeli President Isaac Herzog that he has successfully formed a government, his Likud party said Wednesday.

In a last-minute announcement, Netanyahu tweeted, “I managed,” 10 minutes before the deadline expired.

Netanyahu, who had already been prime minister for 15 years before being ousted last year, had until midnight Wednesday local time (5 p.m. ET) to form a government following the Nov. 1 elections.

Israel’s new government is likely to be the most right-wing in Israel’s history, including those appointed to ministerial positions who were once seen as extreme nationalists in Israeli politics.

Members of Netanyahu’s Likud party are expected to fill some of the most important cabinet positions of foreign affairs, defense and justice ministers.

Itamar Ben Gubir, leader of the Jewish Power Party, assumed a newly expanded public security role and was renamed Minister of National Security, overseeing Israeli police and police operations in the occupied West Bank. increase.

Bezalel Smotrik, leader of the Religious Zionist Party, was named Finance Minister, but he also has the power to appoint the head of the Israeli military organization, which handles border crossings and Palestinian permits, among other duties. Given the.

Ultra-Orthodox Shas Party leader Arie Deli is expected to serve as both Home and Health Minister, while representatives of the United Torah Judaism, another ultra-Orthodox party in the five-party coalition, Minister of Housing.

As of Wednesday evening, not all cabinet positions have been announced.

A special bill must be passed in the next few days before Deri, Ben Gvir and Smotrich take office. Despite being convicted of tax violations, Deri must pass a law so she can serve as minister.

Ben Guvir needs legislation to expand the powers normally accorded to the Minister of Public Security, and Smotrich needs new legislation to give him ministerial powers within the Ministry of Defense.

All three laws were considered controversial, and there were voices opposing them, including security officials, beyond Netanyahu’s political opposition.

The new government must be sworn in within a week of being notified to the Israeli Knesset, possibly by January 2nd.



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