Did you know that baby monitors have been around since the 1930s? Parents have long relied on these devices to keep an eye on their little ones and keep them safe. Over the years, baby monitors have come a long way, evolving with technology and offering even more features.

But these advances bring new challenges: the risk of hacking. Different types of baby monitors offer different levels of security, and some are more vulnerable than others.

To give you peace of mind while your baby sleeps, here are some practical tips to protect your baby monitor from hackers.

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Children being monitored with a baby monitor app (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutson)

Yes, baby monitors can be hacked

Like most tech devices, baby monitors can be hacked, but how susceptible they are depends on several factors, including your overall network security, the security features of the device, and the type of monitor.

Network Security

First, let’s talk about your home Wi-Fi network. You know how you wouldn’t leave your front door wide open? An insecure Wi-Fi network is like that for everything online. Think about it: everything from your baby monitor to your phone to your laptop to your smart refrigerator is connected to this network. If it’s not tightly locked down with a strong password and solid encryption, it’s like your neighbors are spying through your window.

Device Security

Now, let’s talk actual baby monitors. You’d think that all baby monitors would have the highest level of security, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Some baby monitors are like fortresses; they encrypt all of the data they transmit, meaning all of those adorable cries and purrs (and the occasional 3am shriek) are muted for only you to understand.

But here’s the catch: Not all baby monitors can do this. Some even broadcast your greatest baby hits for anyone with the right equipment to hear. It’s like running your own little radio station, and you definitely don’t want random people listening to it.

So what’s a parent to do? When buying a baby monitor, look for words like “encryption” and “secure transmission” in the product description. If you can’t find that information, contact the manufacturer. It’s worth the extra effort to protect your baby’s privacy.

Baby Monitor (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutson)

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Baby Monitor Security

Most types of baby monitors can be hacked, but the likelihood and type of hacking varies depending on the type of device.

Analog Baby Monitor: These operate on older technology, meaning nearby hackers may be able to intercept the frequencies.

Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum Baby Monitor: These are also analog, but their technology switches between frequencies quickly, making the signal much harder to intercept. Of the three types of baby monitors, these are considered the most secure and the hardest for hackers to break into.

Internet-enabled baby monitors: These are the more modern baby monitors that can connect to the internet via a wired or wireless connection. These are the easiest to hack and are likely to be compromised as they can be accessed through the internet network they are connected to, as well as the device’s own inherent security measures.

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Illustration of a hacker hacking into a baby monitor (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutson)

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How to tell if a hacker has broken into your baby monitor

Now that we know that baby monitors can be hacked, here are some signs that your baby monitor may be hacked:

1. Behavioral Change: If you notice a sudden change in your baby monitor’s camera, audio, or functionality, it may be that someone else has access to the device.

2. Unrecognized devices on the network: If you are using an internet-enabled baby monitor, Unrecognized device If it is connected to an internet network, hackers may be able to access the network and put your baby monitor at risk.

3. Strange Audio: If you hear unrecognizable sounds or noises coming from a monitor that supports two-way communication, your baby monitor may have been hacked.

4. Increased data usage: Most monitors use data when they’re actively being viewed or used, so if you notice an increase in data usage, it could be that a hacker has access to it.

5. Change security settings: Changes to the security settings on your baby monitor, such as a password change or a request to reset it, can be a red flag, especially if the password to access the device has been changed, indicating that a hacker may have compromised your baby monitor.

How internet-connected devices in your home can put you at risk

How to store your baby monitor safely

While the level of security will depend on the type of baby monitor and its individual features, below are some ways to make your baby monitor more secure:

1. Restrict remote access: If possible, disable or limit the remote functionality of your baby monitor when not needed, reducing potential access points for hackers.

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2. Use a strong, unique alphanumeric password. Some users use default passwords provided by the manufacturer, which makes those devices a prime target for hackers. Changing your password to something strong, complex, and unique will make you less of a target for hackers. A password that combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And to save you sleepless nights, don’t use “baby123” or your child’s birthday. Hackers love that stuff. Also, consider using a password. Password Manager Generate and store complex passwords.

3. Enable additional security features. If your device supports the following features: Two-factor certification Alternatively, enabling biometric login can provide an extra layer of security, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access to your system.

4. Protect your Internet network: Make sure the internet network your baby monitor connects to has a strong password. Separate the guest network For baby monitors. Check your router settings via the router’s IP address (often found on the back or bottom of the router) or the router’s administrative interface. Look for WPA3 encryption. This is the latest and greatest encryption to keep your network secure. If that’s not an option, WPA2 will suffice. Avoid WEP. It’s as secure as a paper key in a bank vault. Check out “Top Routers for Best Security in 2024.”

5. Update your device software and firmware. Some baby monitors undergo firmware and software upgrades to keep up with changing security issues, so keep your device up to date to prevent hackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.

6. Turn off the monitor when not in use. This simple step can greatly reduce the opportunities for potential hackers to attack.

How to keep all your devices updated and secure

Important points about the cart

Like any technology, when hackers find vulnerabilities, they will exploit them. Unfortunately, baby monitors, like any other consumer technology, can be vulnerable depending on their type and features. The more they are connected to networks that can be breached, the more vulnerable they are to hackers. But, like any consumer electronic device, important security measures like strong, complex passwords and two-factor authentication can go a long way in stopping hackers from getting into your baby monitor.

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Have you ever used a baby monitor? Have you ever noticed any unusual behavior while using a baby monitor? What security measures have you taken to protect your baby monitor from hackers? Cyberguy.com/Contact Us.

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