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“They’re frustrated,” an anonymous source said of the Biden team’s reaction to the news that the all-Democrat-appointed Colorado Supreme Court has barred Donald Trump from appearing on next year’s presidential ballot. He explained.

That’s exactly the right reaction. The White House’s Christmas wish should be for this issue to be a short story over the holidays, quietly resolved by a brief 9-0 unanimous Supreme Court ruling.

The legal arguments against the court’s decision are complex and nuanced. The political implications are not.

Trump lawyer says request for Scottus immunity hearing involves ‘serious historical issues’

Many in my party mistakenly believe that if we remove Trump from the ballot, we won’t face any political consequences.

If recent New York Times polls are correct, the way we Democrats can win this election is by forcing voters who are unlikely to support Trump to stay home. Such a choice by an unelected judge would infuriate voters and lead to a mass turnout.

The language of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows presidential candidates to be disqualified if they, as an elected official, “engage in insurrection or insurrection” against the United States, but Mr. He has never been convicted of such a crime. .

As much as I despise Trump, he is entitled to run for office.

In fact, he was never even charged with this crime. Special Counsel Jack Smith has thoroughly and diligently investigated the events surrounding the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Although he has indicted the former president on four counts, it is notable that he has not charged him with inciting an insurrection.

why? Simply put, there is not enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in court.

President Trump’s only trial regarding the events of January 6 was in the U.S. Senate. he was acquitted.

Trump ruling splits Colorado Supreme Court along elite East Coast law schools and Denver law lines

Democrats argue that due process is central to their progressive tradition. Are we only granting due process to our political allies or to all American citizens, including Donald John Trump?

The only truly progressive answer is a resounding “yes.”

As much as I despise Trump, he is entitled to run for office.

Democrats must work to end activists’ obsession with disqualifying Trump from voting through the 14th Amendment.

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This obsession highlights the fissures within the Democratic coalition and distracts us from the core issue of winning elections at the polls.

We must emphasize to voters that they should not expect the courts to stop Trump, and that active participation in the next election is the only path to victory.

Democrats don’t say this enough, but Joe Biden was an extraordinary president. On election night three years ago, he promised to be a president for all Americans, whether they voted for him or not.

He fulfilled that promise.


We should be proud to carry him as our party’s standard bearer in 2024 and do what it takes to get him across the finish line.

How do we do that? End his short-sighted obsession with the 14th Amendment, re-enter real-world politics, and become a community evangelist for a president who defies all odds to make life better for American families. Let’s.

Click here to read more from Christopher Hale



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