Almost everything you do online is looking for your email. If you have been using the same thing for a while, hundreds or thousands of services may have it. They send promotion messages, social media alerts, news letters, etc., and turn the reception tray into a complete confusion. You can use this madness using an email alias.
E -mail alias can help organize receiving trays by organizing e -mails based on the purpose. For example, you can create a shopping, newsletter, or a specific alias for work, set up filters, and automatically sort these messages in different folders.
Alias is also useful for spam management. If alias begins to receive unnecessary messages, you can disable it without affecting the main mail.
Let’s jump into how to create an email alias on various platforms, such as Gmail, Outlook, and iCloud.
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People who set alias mail (KURT “Cyber Guy” Knutsson)
How to create an alias using Gmail
Gmail cannot completely create individual aliases, but provides workarounds by using “+address specification” or adding dots to existing email addresses. However, be careful when using these methods with unreliable correspondents, as the non -CRU sender does not prevent the main address from seeing the main address. Follow the steps below to start.
Option 1: Create an alias using “Plus (+) Trick”
Use the existing Gmail address to add “+” and add a keyword before “”.
Example: If the email is, you can use the following:
No additional setup is required. If you sign up to the service or share emails, start using this alias.
Option 2: Create an alias using “Dot (.) Trick”
Gmail can create email variations to ignore dots (.) With e -mail address.
Example: If the email is, you can use the following:
All variations will automatically deliver emails to the main receiving tray.
Set alias with gmail (KURT “Cyber Guy” Knutsson)
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How to create an alias on allows you to create an additional email address (alias) linked to the primary count. The e -mail sent to the alias arrives at the primary reception tray and can send messages using alias.
If the main email is, you can create aliases such as The e -mail sent to is still accessible to, but you can select to send e -mails using any address.
Procedure to create aliases:
- Sign in to you account
- Click Gear icon Open in the upper right corner setting
- Scroll down and select Display all Outlook settings
- Move to Mail
- Next, click Synchronize e -mail
- click management Or, select the primary alias below Account alias
- Select Add email Please follow prompt Create a new alias
- Select whether to create a new one mail Please use it as an alias Existing email (Non -Outlook) as alias
- click Add alias confirm
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Once added, you can send emails using alias. from Field when creating a new message.
Important restrictions to be aware:
- You can add up to 10 aliases in total
- There are 10 new alias restrictions that can be created in one year
- Only two aliases can be added a week
- Existing Hotmail, Live,, and MSN addresses cannot be added as aliases
- Alias can include letters, numbers, dots (.), Andas score (_) or hyphen ( -).
- You can no longer create a new alias with @hotmail,, domain
Set alias using (KURT “Cyber Guy” Knutsson)
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How to create an alias using an Apple ID
With Apple, you can create up to three email aliases via iCloud. These aliases can be used for specific purposes and can help manage inbox effectively. The creation method is as follows.
- Go Sign in to the Apple account if necessary
- Click Gear icon Select at the top of the mailbox list setting
- click accountClick Add alias
- I will provide Requested information: Alias address -Enter the text and create an alias (for example: Alias needs 3 to 20 characters. label -At assign a label to the alias. The alias is listed in alphabetical order by the label. full name -Enter the name displayed in from E -mail fields to send using this alias
- click Create Complete alias
- Once created, the e -mail sent to this alias will be transferred to you. Primary iCloud email address。たとえば、主要な電子メールがyourname@icloud.comであり、エイリアスshopping@icloud.comを作成する場合、shopping@icloud.comに送信されたメールは Inboxに表示されます。 This allows you to use various addresses for various purposes while holding everything in one place.
It is important to be aware that up to three email aliases can be created via iCloud. These aliases provide some flexibility, but don’t forget that they don’t create individual Apple IDs or completely hide their main iCloud email addresses.
Set alias using the Apple ID (KURT “Cyber Guy” Knutsson)
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Understanding e -mail alias
Many e -mail providers offer basic alias functions, but most have great restrictions. Gmail’s “+” address specification and dot tricks, the alias linked to Outlook, and Apple’s iCloud aliases all provide flexibility, but in many cases, it is not true of true privacy protection.
For those who are looking for comprehensive email privacy and robust alias management One of my picks Private and secure email platforms do not include advertising, tracking, and powerful privacy features, such as password protected emails and unlimited disposable e -mail addresses. Please see my review of the best and private email service。
How to tighten the scammers from the receiving tray
To protect the reception tray from a scammer, you need a combination of smart practices and aggressive tools. Using an email alias is an effective first step. By creating specific aliases for various activities, such as shopping, subscription, and work, you can track where spam comes from and disable problematic alias as needed. The following measure some other procedures.
1. Do not share the main email address It is published on forums, social media, or other platforms to minimize exposure. Most email providers provide robust spam filters, so make sure they are enabled and customized.
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2. Invest in personal data deletion service. There is no service that promises to delete all data from the Internet, but it is great to delete the deletion service when monitoring and automating the process of continuously deleting information from hundreds of sites over a long period of time. is. Please see the top pick of the data delete service。
3. Enable Two -factor authentication Add an additional security layer in all email accounts.
4. Be careful of suspicious links and attachments。 Do not click the link or download the attached file from the unknown sender. These can be a phishing attempt.
5. Use powerful virus software To protect from potential malware that may come through spam mail. The best way to protect yourself from malicious links to install malware is to install antivirus software on all devices because you may access personal information. This protection can also warn the fraudulent emails and ransomware fraud and ensure that personal information and digital assets are safe. Get the pick of Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices 2025 Antivirus Protection Winners。
6. Update your email password regularly And make it strong, unique, and avoid general words and easy -to -guess combinations. Please consider using it Password manager Generate and save complex passwords.
These procedures provide a more comprehensive approach to protect the receiving tray from scammers and reduce unnecessary emails.
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You don’t need to be in charge of receiving trays. By implementing the above hints and tools, we create a more secure, efficient and managed email experience. Regardless of whether you fight spam or organize digital life, e -mail alias and secure services are perfect for introducing.
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