Imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) systems can do anything a human can do, better and faster. Amazing, isn’t it? But what if these super-smart machines pose a grave risk to our safety and society? How can we stop them from harming us and taking over the world? do you want?
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and two other experts are trying to answer this question. new article. They propose a plan for “superintelligence governance,” meaning how to control and regulate AI systems that are more intelligent and capable than humans.
These systems are not SF. These already exist in some form, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc. These are AI models that can generate text, images, music, and code.
You can also learn from data and improve yourself. Over the next decade, companies could become as powerful and productive as large corporations.
Superintelligence could bring many benefits to mankind. It has the potential to solve problems such as climate change, poverty, disease, and war. It can also create new opportunities for creativity, education and entertainment.
But superintelligence also comes with big challenges. It may cause accidents, disputes and misuse. It can also threaten our values, rights and freedoms. It can even be beyond our understanding and control.
To address these challenges, Altman and his coauthors propose three key ideas. First, they stress the importance of coordination and advocate a collective effort to ensure the safety and beneficial outcome of superintelligence. This requires establishing consensus and defining rules and limits among those involved in creating and using AI systems. Governments should also actively contribute by devoting resources to dedicated projects and institutions focused on superintelligence.
Second, they stress the need for an international agency capable of overseeing and regulating superintelligence agencies. Similar to existing organizations that oversee nuclear power, this global organization will be responsible for overseeing the safety and security of AI systems. In addition, you will have the authority to determine the appropriate use or decommissioning of these systems.
Finally, Altman and his colleagues emphasize the importance of safety research in addressing superintelligence challenges. They emphasize the technical nature of the effort, which requires extensive research and innovation. OpenAI and other organizations are already working to explore methodologies to ensure the secure development and implementation of superintelligence.
Altman also said that the development of AI models that have not yet become superintelligent should not be stopped or delayed. These models are useful and harmless for most purposes. It should be free to grow and improve without over-regulation.
However, we must be careful and responsible when it comes to superintelligence. We need to involve everyone in deciding how we use it and what we do with it. We need to make sure it is in line with our interests and values.
Why is OpenAI building superintelligence in the first place? Altman says it’s because he believes it will make the world a better place. He also says that sooner or later someone will inevitably build it. So he wants to make sure it’s done right.
Superintelligence is both a great opportunity and a great challenge for mankind. we need to prepare for it.
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