In the age of digital privacy, it’s important to keep your personal information safe. I am passionate about protecting your privacy and security.

That’s why you should know that one way to protect your privacy on your Android device is to hide apps that you don’t want others to have access to.

Let’s look at the process together. (For iPhone users, follow these steps.)

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People who have Android (Kurt “Cyber ​​Guy” Knutson)

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How to hide apps on Android home screen and app screen

First things first: Get your hands on Android and get started.

  • going to setting icon on the device. Usually represented by a gear or cog. Let’s tap it.
  • Scroll until you find the option labeled . Home Screen and click on it. Here you will find settings that affect what is displayed on the main screen.
  • Please look for where it says Hide apps on the home screen and app screen and click on it.
  • here, List of all apps.wait a minute Select app You want to keep it away from prying eyes.
  • Once selected, tap to confirm end.

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Steps to hide apps on Android (Kurt “Cyber ​​Guy” Knutson)

More information: How to hide photos on Android from snoops

How to open hidden apps on Android

SSettings may vary depending on your Android smartphone manufacturer.

What if I need to use one of the hidden apps? No problem:

  • start by going to setting
  • Scroll down and click app
  • All apps are here appear and hidden.
  • choose app i need you
  • Tap Open Start it. As if it had never been hidden.


Steps to access hidden apps on Android (Kurt “Cyber ​​Guy” Knutson)

More information: Reorganize your Android home screen with these easy steps

Cart important points

These simple steps will give you greater peace of mind knowing your personal apps are hidden in plain sight. Remember that privacy is your right, and Android has tools to help you maintain it.

How do you think app developers and device manufacturers can improve mobile privacy? Email us.


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