There are some pretty big story beats throughout Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign, And such heroic deeds require visual representation of the hardships the character has gone through. Personally, I like adding scars and tattoos to show that I won a battle. But sometimes you want to change your hairstyle.Here’s how to change your look baldur’s gate 3!

How to change your character’s appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3

To change your character’s appearance baldur’s gate 3, you must first take a long rest and return the player character and party to the main campsite. When you arrive, look around the camp. Magic mirror. It’s hard to miss. It is usually a portal-like mirror with a gold border and a blue swirl inside. At the first camp in Act 1, it can be found in the ruins beyond a fallen log at the back of the campsite. However, the main camp changes as the story progresses.

When you find a mirror, approach it and interact with it. Right from the start of the game you will be teleported to a new screen, the character customization portal. Here you can change your character’s appearance and start fresh with a new voice, gender identity, and skin color.

What can I change using the one-way mirror?

Image credit: Brandon Morgan, Wealth of Geeks.

You can change considerably while interacting with the magic mirror. And the best part is that it’s completely free. From what I witnessed in my playthrough, there is no need to pay gold or wait between using mirrors. You can change:

  • identity
  • voice
  • face
  • skin color
  • body art
  • eye color
  • compensate
  • Hairstyle
  • facial hair
  • tattoo

That’s just scratching the surface. The customization options available when you create your character at the start of a new game are available right from the comfort of your camp, no matter what act you’re currently in.



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