Summer is the busiest time for military families as they move to their next duty station, but throughout the school year they move from state to state and sometimes across the world.

Even after 16 years of being married to a military man, my family found out my husband was moving into a military home. Permanent unescorted change of station I was about to be deployed overseas for a year. I was naive about the challenges my family would face. I had been on several 4-7 month deployments before and remember thinking it couldn’t be any worse. I work in education and my children are very involved in extracurricular activities. We have a supportive friend and church community, and we decided to view this as an opportunity to minimize family relocation and grow professionally. My husband and I agreed that this would be good for our family. And two years after my husband completed his 14 months overseas, I still believe it was a good thing.

We said our families are OK, and honestly, they are, but to ignore the impact that time away has had on them, especially their children, would belittle the struggles and strains military families across the country face every day.

In recent years, our school has Special Needs Children of military personnel whose parents are deployed and sometimes spend months or years away from home The average K-12 student changes schools 6-9 timesOur education system has begun initiatives to improve how it serves its communities, including: Celebrating Month of the Military Child It takes place every April and celebrates the resilience and self-reliance of military children.

While steps have been taken to improve access to resources and outcomes for this group of students, there remain gaps in services that ensure their academic and social success. As educators, it is essential that we recognize the challenges this life brings and recognize our role in supporting military children and their families.

Barriers faced by military children

The challenges that military life presents to families can be a source of psychological stress, especially for children. Higher incidence of mental health problemstrauma, and other related issues. Military children face multiple deployments and frequent relocations, and the fear of trauma, such as a parent being injured or killed, is real for these families.

Research suggests One-third of children whose parents are deployed are considered to be at “high risk” of having psychosocial problems, due to the negative impact of deployment on children, the mental health of parents left behind, and the uncertainty of reintegration into society. Furthermore, a survey of 640,000 children between the ages of 3 and 8 conducted in 2010 found that Mental and behavioral health issues increased 11 percent They found a 19 percent increase in behavioral disorders and an 18 percent increase in stress disorders among children of deployed military parents, with these rates being higher for older children and those with male parents.

These statistics suggest that the mental health of military children is not being adequately addressed. Students: Military One Source and Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) For service members, their families, and those who support survivors, disparities in access to quality, consistent mental and behavioral health support for children remain a significant issue.

Naval Postgraduate Study Even though military families have government insurance that covers mental health care, 35 percent of military personnel are found to have inadequate access to mental health care. 2020 Military Family Lifestyle Survey The survey reported that 51 percent of respondents who are active-duty military families with children felt they were able to access quality mental health care for their children. But this is simply not enough.

Policymakers need to advocate for resources to be readily available so military children can get the help they need through the health care system, military installations, and community services, while also increasing support for training to help schools and teachers recognize these issues and connect students to help.

What schools and educators can do

Schools and educators are uniquely positioned to be a source of support, a safe and stable space where children can find consistency, and a place where adults can identify needs and access necessary resources.

To improve outcomes for military children, families must be guaranteed the continuation of routines and rituals, connections to the community, and opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. Strong partnerships with knowledgeable educators who ensure students have what they need to succeed are a critical step in improving the educational success and psychological well-being of military children.

Educators are in the best position to clearly communicate classroom and school expectations and help transitioning military students adjust to a new school environment. Understanding the Code It’s not always easy to follow. With inconsistent expectations across schools and states, military children can suffer learning gaps and repetition that can impede consistent academic progress. Children are also faced with new or different instructional methods, classroom and school culture expectations, as well as unfamiliar technology and changes to online learning processes.

Educators have the power to foster supportive and welcoming classroom environments where students feel safe to share their feelings with one another, which is crucial in supporting students through transitions. Educators can provide experiences that build empathy by having students in their classes write letters to deployed military members and veterans, including military members in their learning, offering opportunities to talk to students about military careers, and answering questions about what it’s like to deploy.

Educators can ensure students are placed in the right courses and academically challenged, while also facilitating the continuation of related services, such as therapy or special education services, if eligible. If a military student transfers mid-year, schools can ensure the student is placed in the right classroom for the supports they need, from special education services to advanced courses. Educators can: Military Interstate Children’s Compact Committee and the resources available to the students they teach.

Outside the classroom, schools and districts Purple Star School By receiving training from them National Military Council and State Chair or President. These programs include: State Department of Educationtraining is available immediately and free of charge. Other resources and organizations that provide support to schools include: Military Children’s Education Association.

While there are ways to address the challenges students face, there are certainly no easy answers or solutions that fit all military children and their families. As military families around the world prepare for new moves and new school years in new states, our schools and educators must recognize the important role military children play in their schools and communities and be prepared to recognize the unique needs of these students.

The future is bright for children of military personnel, who are often inspired by the example of their parents’ selfless service. Educators who are committed to providing a supportive environment must enable these students to realize their potential and excel academically and socially in their schools and communities.



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