In the bustling world of social media, not every influencer wears the crown. Some wield power through genuine connections and heartfelt recommendations. Introducing the micro-influencer, a unique blend of credibility and influence.

Here’s what you need to know about how these talented people can benefit your small business.

Below is an article on “How to work with micro-influencers to grow your business” from “Later: All-In-One Social Media Management Tool”. You can check it after reading.

What is a micro-influencer?

Who are the social media figures who seem to have the most influence online? Micro-influencers, who typically have between 2,000 and 50,000 followers, are making waves. The number of followers you have may vary depending on who you ask, but its importance is undeniable. For small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets, it provides a cost-effective way to deliver targeted advertising.

Jill Stanton is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five. She provides definitions that small businesses can use to get started.

“A micro-influencer is someone who is small but has between 2,000 and 20,000 followers online and a highly engaged following,” she writes. “Followers read, watch, listen, click, and buy what these influencers are putting out there.”

Authenticity is also part of its appeal. This is a huge factor for selling in today’s market.

“These are people who prioritize audience empathy and engagement over big, sexy numbers that can be fake.”

Some of the things they do are the same as their larger counterparts.

“They share glimpses of their daily lives, the products they use, and more. teeth What is paid and what is not. It also includes any products, programs, or services they may offer to their audience. ”

Where can I find it?

You can usually find micro-influencers on social platforms like Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram. Here we will introduce some of them. example List of top micro-influencers on Instagram in 2018.

Stanton says you need to know how to narrow your search to find what’s best for your small business. On Instagram, she says it helps to check for relevant hashtags such as #influencer #paid #partner. You can also search for YouTube channels where she focuses on specific areas.

There is one caveat. When categorizing influencer agencies, you may need to look a little under the hood.

“The only thing to keep in mind about these agencies is that they typically represent larger influencers,” she says. “There may be a small number of micro-influencers looking to leverage their followers.”

What are the benefits of using micro-influencers?

Ellie Shedden runs a digital marketing agency THE-OOP.COM. She explained why micro-influencers are attractive to small businesses with limited advertising budgets.

“The advantage of using micro-influencers over macro-influencers (those with over 100,000 followers) is price,” she wrote in an email. She says, “Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars for a post, micro-influencers can pay less than $100.” Depending on your engagement rate, your conversion rate will also be higher. ”

You can run various campaigns to earn more advertising revenue. Reach different audiences with multiple campaigns and cast a wider net.

Jill Stanton added that they often incentivize followers with discount codes, allowing small businesses to “fast-track” brand awareness.

how to choose

Messrs. Stanton and Shedden both offer valuable advice.

Stanton’s recommendations:

  • Look for micro-influencers whose values ​​and message align with your brand.
  • Prioritize engagement and resonance:
    • Are your followers liking, sharing, and most importantly, commenting on and engaging with your posts?
  • Look for people who have at least 3% of their followers consistently engaged.

Shedden’s insight:

  • Engagement rate calculation formula:
    • Divide the number of followers by the number of likes on the post.
    • Multiply by 100.
  • Rating the credibility of comments:
    • Be wary of large numbers of emoji-only comments or comments with fewer than five words.
    • Signs of bot usage: These influencers should be avoided.

Utilizing micro-influencers for small and medium-sized businesses

As you can see, engaging with micro-influencers can provide a great return on investment for small businesses. The following table considers various aspects of working with micro-influencers and provides a structured guide to effectively incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

Table 1: Characteristics of micro-influencers

Table 1 helps small business owners identify and understand the main characteristics of micro-influencers.

Characteristic explanation
Number of followers Number of followers 2,000 to 50,000
credibility Genuine connections and genuine recommendations
engagement High engagement rate with followers reading, watching, clicking, and buying
content style Share your personal life and product usage both sponsored and unsponsored

Table 2: Platforms and search strategies

Table 2 shows the main platforms where micro-influencers operate and strategies for finding them.

social platform Strategies for finding micro-influencers
Instagram Use relevant hashtags: #influencer, #paid, #partner
YouTube Explore channels focused on specific topics of interest
snapchat Dig up clues about your audience’s interests, find official accounts, use the Snapchat directory, track influencers from other social networks, and request Snap codes.

Table 3: Benefits of engaging with micro-influencers

Table 3 outlines the main benefits of leveraging micro-influencers for marketing.

advantage explanation
cost effective Cheaper than macro influencers, probably less than $100 per post
High conversion potential Increase engagement and conversion rates with authentic connections with your followers
Various campaigns Ability to run different campaigns to reach different audience segments
brand recognition Drive brand awareness faster with direct, reliable recommendations

Table 4: Micro-influencer selection – checklist

Table 4 summarizes the recommendations and insights from Stanton and Shedden into a coherent checklist.

standard Stanton’s Recommendations Shedden’s Insight
Alignment Values ​​and messages must be aligned [Not specified]
Engagement and resonance Consistent engagement of at least 3% Engagement rate calculation
Credibility of comments [Not specified] Beware of bot-like and generic comments
Fee [Not specified] Ensure costs are within budget



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