Artificial intelligence is increasingly integrated into higher education; Addressing challenges such as personalized learning and operational efficiency. Tools that utilize AI are Streamline administrative tasks such as scheduling, registration, and financial aid management., freeing up valuable staff time and reducing errors. AI-enhanced learning analytics provides more comprehensive data analysis, helping professors understand student behavior and needs. Identify students at risk early in the course.

However, with the integration of AI into higher education; Concerns about ethical useinclude Data privacy, security, and potential for algorithmic bias. Although AI has the ability to improve personalized learning experiences, there are concerns about the quality of education delivered through AI-driven platforms. Additionally, a teacher may encounter a learning curve in integrating AI into her instructional approach. Fear of increased plagiarism by students That’s a legitimate concern.

EdSurge recently spoke with: bruce dahlgren About the power of AI in higher education. Mr. Dahlgren’s experience in the technology field spans his 40 years, with the first half of his career working for large publicly traded IT companies and the second half working for private companies, software and his SaaS-oriented companies. He brings a passion for higher education, which is evidenced by his service to the university. Florida College Board. Combining a love of IT and a dedication to advancing higher education, Dahlgren is now… anthologyis the world’s leading provider of the edtech ecosystem for universities. In this role, Dahlgren aims to leverage its people and technology to effectively support higher education institutions.

EdSurge: What significant challenges does the higher education industry currently face?

Dahlgren: Higher education is at a major crossroads. There is a lively debate about the value of the traditional college experience, and I understand that perspective. Rising tuition fees, employability concerns and alternative qualification options are fueling this debate. Students are increasingly questioning the necessity and return on investment (ROI) of a four-year degree.

Students who choose that route expect more flexibility, individualization, and real-world relevance in their education. To meet these expectations, institutions must invest in both technology and innovative teaching methods that meet students’ legitimate expectations.

Combined with the financial pressures of declining enrollment, reduced state funding, and increased competition for limited resources, educational institutions are facing a true tipping point. These challenges are forcing companies to reevaluate how they deliver education and find innovative ways to remain viable and relevant. To protect their future, we will probably need to adopt some bold initiatives.

What role do you think artificial intelligence can play in addressing these challenges?

Here’s the really exciting part. AI will transform every aspect of higher education and student life. How students interact with professors, the methods used to assess learning and retention, and course curriculum design will all be affected by the opportunities and challenges posed by AI. It has evolved from data processing to networking to workflow automation to data warehousing. AI is the natural evolution of all these digital changes.

I’ve been in the technology industry for a long time, and with each advancement in technology comes a fear of risk. There are currently concerns about generative AI. Could it create opportunities for cheating, plagiarism, and hallucinations? And universities are feeling the stress, too.

But these are exciting times. AI permeates everything we do. The ability to use this data, the skill set and how it impacts our lives – all It should be part of higher education.

The answer is to integrate responsible use of AI.That’s what Anthology is. AI policy framework. It’s like putting up guardrails. We want to help educational institutions implement AI in an ethical and responsible manner. We want universities to see anthologies as partners in this exciting journey.

Source: Anthology

Which do you think is the most effective application of artificial intelligence in higher education?

I’m looking at leveraging AI in three main ways. The first is using AI to help professors simplify or improve fundamental parts of their jobs and spend more time with students. Every time I attend a board meeting, faculty members ask for more time to engage with students.anthology created this AI-powered course building tool This allows educators to develop courses faster, leverage AI as a productivity tool to improve efficiency, and spend more time engaging with learners.

Second, AI will help universities analyze and effectively use disparate data from across their institutions. Improve the learner experience And the result. Leveraging AI through natural language queries can leverage data and lower barriers to data usage. How accessing that data paints a more complete picture of learners and their journeys and impacts university operations, such as simplifying student transfer and improving marketing and donor connections. Imagine how useful it would be.

Third, the use of AI can be incorporated into university classes themselves. Most college students only know about the digital world. They want to learn about AI and are looking at courses that show them how to leverage AI in their future careers. Professors are trusted advisors and are expected to demonstrate the opportunities and risks associated with the use of AI. AI is changing the way we think about education. We are rethinking the way we test students. What matters is not just how students memorize and retain facts, but how they interpret, communicate, and use those facts. This is the current reality. Students need to learn AI as a skill set, and universities have a role to play in developing future leaders.

As an industry leader, Anthology must meet universities everywhere in their AI integration process and help them leverage this technology to improve their systems, operations, and lives. Where to start? We work closely with faculty. If teachers can leverage AI as a productivity benefit, they can more easily present it as a future benefit to students when they enter the workforce. These are exciting times. We need to be open-minded about AI and responsible for staying up to date with the technology.



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