With balls hurtling across the tennis court at more than 150 mph, you’re probably paying more attention to them than the people running around picking them up. But while working as a ball boy or girl may not be a star job, it does have its perks: an advantage at major tournaments like the U.S. Open that usually costs thousands of dollars.

and that That’s probably why hundreds of fans packed into the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens earlier this summer to compete for a spot in the U.S. Open. When a representative from Ralph Lauren, the retailer that designs the official uniforms, offered SELF the opportunity to participate in a mock tryout, I jumped at the chance to see if I qualified. Although my session was for media only, it included much of the same experience the public will have at the event shortly thereafter.

On a sweltering Friday in late June, I took an Uber to Arthur Ashe Stadium to experience the life of a U.S. Open ball person for an hour. As I learned, a ball person’s job is much more than just removing net balls. Ball people have a ton of other duties, including handing balls to colleagues and serving players (more on this later). The overall goal is to minimize interruptions to play and ensure smooth transitions between points.

To be honest, I wasn’t optimistic about my chances of passing. I played tennis in high school and try to stay fairly active in my daily life now that I can no longer rely on after-school practice, but endurance has never been my strong suit, and my once-sounding hand-eye coordination has deteriorated over time. I didn’t expect to be able to run for nearly 45 minutes straight, especially in 90+ degree heat (or something that feels like it). And if you strip away all the formalities, that’s 75% of the job description.

But I was determined not to give up so soon. Once I arrived at the stadium, I changed into my US Open ballgirl uniform (navy visor, color-blocked polo shirt, navy skort) and headed onto the court, grateful for the hat that offered some protection from the scorching sun. There, I met another person at the “tryout”: a Peloton cycling and running instructor. Matt WilpersHis wife accompanied him and filmed the footage.

Courtesy of Ralph Lauren



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