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That’s for sure: we reflect European trends. Currently, almost half of young people between the ages of 20 and 30 live with their parents, and interestingly, they seem to have accepted this living arrangement.

No doubt, like any other parent, we are always deeply concerned about the well-being of our children. Naturally, we want them to succeed and we want them to thrive.

But the important question we must ponder is: does success come by overcoming obstacles and facing struggles head-on, or does success emerge when you cater to your children’s every whim and need? That’s it. Is this leading us towards raising an increasingly weak generation?

Do you think that if you provide financial support indefinitely, your children will eventually stop asking for more? (St. Petersburg)

A few years ago, my eldest daughter completed her university education and my other two children were following closely in her footsteps. It prompted me to make a strategic decision. There is an urgent need to remove her from her parents’ home immediately after she graduates from university and encourage her to establish a financially independent life. We call this “taking it off the payroll.”

Adult children live with their parents to save money for housing

Am I an unsupportive parent?

Am I a monster for thinking like that?

Or are these necessary steps that more parents should consider? make children responsible By exposing them to real world truths?

Many of today’s prosperous business owners and executives are driven by a determination to make a difference, remembering a time when they lived for nothing and simply scraped together a living. is the same as Is it our duty to tell our children that struggle is essential to achieving success?

If you provide financial support indefinitely, do you think your children will eventually stop asking for more help? Probably not. Just like government benefits, they just ask for more until there is an expectation that they will provide it forever. Reproductive dependence is the exact opposite of helping children become independent.

This highlights the urgency of now either giving them a fast start towards independence or at least making them financially responsible.

Survey finds that nearly half of parents with adult children help pay their child’s bills

Here’s a practical approach:

establish something concrete Set deadlines for children to secure full-time employment and set clear timelines for finding independent housing.

Recognize your child’s independence Decide whether to look for a roommate and start your career with your dream job or a position that just pays the bills.

Please be resolute. It conveys that the “safety net” of living at home is coming to an end.

If they choose to stay at home, Laboratory rent payment and assign them household responsibilities. (Even if you choose to save the rent for them, the emphasis is on developing a sense of responsibility.)

remember the assignment You faced your family on their journey to the success they currently enjoy.

Decide in advance whether and how Help with bills (car insurance, cell phone costs, etc.) and establish a timeline for when such assistance ends.

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If you reassure your children, “Don’t worry, if things don’t work out, you can always go home,” they will likely strive to do better than you. This is part of the American dream.

All parents want to support their children, but constantly communicating a “Plan B” can hinder a child’s ability to forge their own path. In life, we often do our best when we don’t have a plan B.

If you have more than one child, rest assured that each one is closely monitoring your actions and making careful calculations for their own futures.


Happiness in life depends on whether expectations are met or not. In fact, it is good to expose children to the challenges of adversity. Because when your children achieve great success in life, their hardships are what make you proud.

Conflicts, arguments, and disagreements are expected to occur in the family. This is about the West Point leadership style, which is about the tougher right. In the long run, both your children and our nation will be better off by shaping and creating more resilient and tougher future generations.

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