I’ve been blogging for years now, but when I started I didn’t know about other bloggers. Over the years, I have connected with many people as I built my business. It’s great to meet other women and men who have the same passion for a healthy lifestyle and natural living.

Through sites like Facebook, X (old Twitter), pinterest, and others, I was able to connect with many of these bloggers when I first started. As I built my business, I traveled, attended conferences, and spoke at events. It was great to meet so many bloggers and health influencers in person. We have all grown so much together over the years! Some of them live near me so I was able to get to know them even better. Some of my fellow bloggers are some of my dearest friends.

Below is a list of health blogs that I have read or enjoyed in the past. It covers a variety of health topics and health tips for a healthier lifestyle. I have enjoyed getting to know each of these authors over the years. And I hope you find them useful and informative too.

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health and wellness blog

brand new mom – Adrian faced many health challenges throughout his life and within his family. She writes about her experiences healing health problems through her real food healthy recipes and her healthy living.

Growing up herbal – Megan is an RN turned herbalist who publishes amazing herbal recipes, healthy eating options, and natural living information.

health, family, happiness – Cara has a great blog with lots of great resources about GAPS and allergy-free living for a healthier life. If you or your family suffer from health conditions such as intestinal issues or allergies, this is a great resource.

frugally sustainable – This blog aims to focus on the important things in life without too much unnecessary stuff. Contains great information about homesteading, sustainability, and herbal/natural remedies.

mom natural – This blog has tons of information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, babies and toddlers, natural parenting, and women’s health. She also reviews which products and supplements are best for mothers and babies. Genevieve and her husband Michael also have an amazing YouTube channel with videos. Also, check out the podcast Genevieve and I did together.

civilized caveman – I love the paleo recipes on this blog, especially the grain-free dessert options. My kids love making these special treats.

Mommy Potamas – I always joke that Heather and I think so similarly that we must share a brain. She blogs about natural living, real food, DIY beauty recipes, and more. We’ve produced quite a few episodes of her podcast together over the years.

nourishing kitchen – Jenny’s blog features amazing real food recipes that are traditionally prepared, seasonal, whole foods, and minimally processed. I love that they introduce recipes for each season. Cooking real food is one of the best ways to take health into your own hands (without having to hire a personal trainer or nutritionist).

kitchen stewardship – Katie is a TEDx speaker and has created her own course to teach kids how to cook (you can watch it in action here!). We share delicious recipes, health information, and how-tos for natural living on our blog. You can also find her episode of the podcast interviewing her here.

kelly the kitchen cop – This blog features health and wellness shortcuts, easy recipes, and simple advice. Kelly has lots of nutritious recipes that focus on healthy eating choices.

hood renegade – Kristen is a health and nutrition educator. She provides resources for deciphering labels, along with real food recipes and health information.

enhanced nutrition – Lauren’s blog offers intuitive eating, nutrition, and lifestyle information, as well as lots of great recipes and health tips. In recent years, she has put more focus on mental health and well-being (which is so important!). You can listen to the podcast episode here.

crunchy betty – This healthy living blog features DIY natural beauty recipes and tips for a crunchy home and conscious living. Self-care has many health benefits. Betty has some great DIYs that will do just that.

What blog topics and posts do you enjoy reading? Share them below!



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