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“We’re not just in a health crisis, but we’re in a mental crisis,” declared Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in an interview with Laura Ingraham, who unfortunately was right.
How do you heal the crisis? The answer is simple when it comes to medical crisis. We look to the doctors and health professionals in our community. Due to the spiritual crisis, we turn to the Bible, religious leaders and community members.
But what if mental suffering is actually the cause of our health crisis?
Our purpose is to know God and who He is, and when we do so, we serve our purpose. (istock)
To heal our health crisis, we must first heal our spiritual crisis. Let’s start from the beginning. On the sixth day of creation, God created man in his image, giving him the task of “giving him the “domination” over the fish of the sea, and the chickens of the air, and the cows, and all the creeping things that creep up on the earth (Genesis 1:26).
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Our work as stewards of the earth reflects our God’s custodians, and when we take care of ourselves, our communities, our planets, we respect the ruler from the person who created it all. We are made Above Purpose and for the purpose.
Our bodies have patterns of design that are not products of opportunity. Psalm 139 reminds us that we are “terrifying and wonderfully made.” From our creative minds to the microscopic world held in each of our cells, our bodies reflect the vast beauty of the created universe.
The god who raised the mountain range also designed his legs to climb. Having extended the heavens on Earth, God has given us a marvelous eye at the night sky and hearts that can navigate our planets.
The god who raised the mountain range also designed his legs to climb. (istock)
Our creators’ fingerprints are everywhere in every cell in our body, every gap on Earth, every star, and every inch in the infinite universe. Indeed, each atom in the universe declares the glory of God!
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The Bible says that we are made with the image of God, but more than that, we are designed for our relationship with the Creator. Our purpose is to know God and who He is, and when we do so, we serve our purpose. When we pursue several other purposes, we ignore our nature. The outcome is bleak and disappointing.
In recent years, the suicide rate among teens and veterans has become Skyrockets. This tragedy is not caused by physical disability. No, this is the pain of the soul. Without an understanding that each human is created for a valuable purpose, we lose sight of the meaning of our lives.
A mental crisis can be resolved when we recognize where our destiny and purpose lies. The Bible reminds us that our bodies are temples where we must care about God and respect God. When we do not care for ourselves, when we choose sin instead of respecting our purpose, we torture not only our bodies but our souls.
When we do not care for ourselves, when we choose sin instead of respecting our purpose, we torture not only our bodies but our souls. (istock)
Our culture should praise God just as we do with our bodies and stars in our sky. Sadly, it’s not. A culture that promotes excessiveness in regards to all the diets we eat promotes diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and sedentalism. However, over the past few years, the mental crisis has not been aware of who we are being made – infecting the soul as much as our bodies, leading to a serious increase in obesity among Americans.
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Proverb 32 tells us, “Drunk and clenching will come to poverty. That may sound poetic, but this is true today. Obesity spends at least $173 billion a year on Americans.
When we lose sight of our purpose in order to know and praise God, we may pursue a wealth of processed sugar in our grocery stores rather than a rich hope of the gospel.
The Gospel is eternal and universal, and is full of answers to our mental and health crisis. (istock)
“God created man with his own image, and he created him with the image of God, men and women created them” (Genesis 1:27). This explains how God designed human biology to be male or female. The denier of that biblical truth is a scientific denier, as he also denies basic biological facts.
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The counterfeit antiscience of transgender ideology (what I say, this is often linked to mostly religious enthusiasm) is new and divisive, leading to self-harm and suicide. But the gospel is eternal and universal, full of answers to our mental and health crisis.
In a speech to Congress on March 4th this year, President Donald Trump said, “Our message to all children in America is that you are completely perfect in the way God made you.” May this return to the beginning and be a rallying cry to reaffirm that our creator’s designs are perfect and heal the health crisis from within.
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