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So if you’re a grief counselor, you might want to take a toothbrush to DNC because you’ll be there a while. If you look closely, the left’s biggest cheerleader is starting to realize that they’ve hitched their cart to the wrong horse. That horse can barely walk, let alone run. But it still needs its stall shoveled twice a day. No wonder Democrats are taking the new polls so hard. They’re in denial. So how bad is the rationalization?

Check out this clip from President Obama’s former speechwriter on Morning Breath.

Jon Favreau, “Morning Joe”: If you look at the polls of voters who are following the race closely, who get their news from television and newspapers, Joe Biden has a big lead among those voters. Where he’s struggling is with young voters, black voters, Latino voters, white voters, people who don’t pay as much attention to politics, who aren’t interested in politics. One of the reasons they’re not interested in politics is because they’re cynical about politics, they’re dissatisfied with politics.

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That’s it. Joe has a big lead except for young voters, black voters, Latino voters, white voters, all voters. All that’s left are the dead voters that Democrats always get at the last minute, but the latest polls show that Trump’s support among blacks is almost double what it was last time, and he’s got similar numbers among Hispanics. It’s true that Trump is more popular among blacks and Hispanics than he is with big-ass voters.

announcer: A prejudiced person would say:

Meanwhile, both groups are running away from Biden as if he were telling them to stop chattering away at the movie theater.

announcer: It’s sure to be another big hit!

So all Biden can do now is show up with his only black friend. But the whining Democrats we just heard are right that voters are cynical. But do they know why? Cynicism is defined as a response to broken promises in relationships. Biden is failing because he simply isn’t delivering for anyone. To the average voter, Joe is not so much incompetent as he is irrelevant, not part of our lives.

Can any honest person look at the state of this country and say that someone is actually steering this ship? We would trust Captain Crunch more. That’s why you’re being cynical. If desperation is fuel, America needs to train. Say what you want about Trump, but with that man there’s no question who’s in command.

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Just ask the 600 or so cabinet members he fired, and you’ll find he’s replacing his advisors like Jennifer Lopez’s husbands. But more importantly, Trump did what he promised. You may not have liked him, but he delivered. And our standard of living was obviously better than it is now. We had borders. Energy was cheaper than hiring Brit Hume to pop cakes. We didn’t have wars flaring up like global hemorrhoids. This is the fundamental difference between Trump and Biden voters. Trump supporters are optimistic about their vote, but even Democrats call their voters pessimists.

Trump supporters don’t hope or pray that Trump will make things better, they expect it. Trump wants America to be great. Biden is offering free student loans while taxing tips. Reciprocity is a simple concept: you get out what you put in. Like when the waitress says in “The Five” “You’re so funny. I think I’ll go home with her as a reward.” But American voters simply don’t feel reciprocity. Now this country is like a job, and we’re always promised raises and better workplaces. If time and time again nothing happens, of course we’ll get cynical. Especially if every time we’re denied a raise, our boss keeps telling us, “We think of the company like a family.”

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That’s the Biden White House. Yes, a family, but only the family is on the payroll. That’s why Biden is the most non-reciprocal president in history. It’s not like the whole country feels tied to an indifferent partner in Washington. It’s like we have a partner that we don’t even know is here. That’s the whole Biden voter. But Trump is trying to be reciprocal, so there’s no cynical Trump supporter. It’s in his blood as a salesman. Joe only has formaldehyde in his blood.

The Biden White House is like a one-way street leading to a giant bridge destroyed by a container ship. Instead of paying off our debts, we have inflation, soaring energy costs, urban blight, and an invasion from the south that produces a constant stream of foreign invaders and their American victims. I think you should vote as if your life depended on it, because maybe your vote will mean a lot.

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