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yes. yes. Happy Thursday everyone. It is wonderful. It’s a lie, but it’s this time of year, so I’m really looking forward to it.

announcer: Suppose you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see. You can change your identity bright and early the next morning. It’s time to get back to gender. New clothes, new name. Back to gender. It will never be the same. If you feel like something is missing. Switch pronouns and refuse to switch back.

Yeah. No, I get it, I get it, I get it. President Zelenskiy had just traveled to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly and called for more aid to Ukraine: more money, more weapons, and a reduction in Sean Penn’s visit. Unfortunately, he was unable to meet with President Biden. Mr. Zelenskiy was almost looking forward to shaking hands, but he was more disappointed than high-fiving the zombie leader. He also did not know that his country’s military spokesperson was this American. Yeah, she’s just an American girl. She’s the one who makes Leah Thomas look like Reese Witherspoon.

Russia attacks Albanian prime minister after failed attempt to prevent Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy from speaking to the US

Sarah Ashton Cirillo: Next week, the gnashing of the Russian devils’ teeth will become even more intense, and their insane mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy. The world will see the Kremlin’s favorite propagandists pay for their crimes, but this Putin puppet is just the beginning. All Russian war crimes propagandists will be hunted down and justice will be served.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy attends a press conference in Lviv, Ukraine, July 8, 2023. (Mykola Tys/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images)

I’m sorry, but it would be justice if someone bought you a better wig. Also, apologies to everyone on the West Coast watching this at dinner, especially those eating sausage. So President Zelensky didn’t know who Sara Ashton Cirillo, a very strange transgender spokesperson, was. Good for him. We don’t always realize that the maiden is a man until we return to the hotel. But now the Ukrainian military has suspended Sara for being seriously mentally ill on social media. Viewers may also remember this.

Sarah Ashton Cirillo: If you look at President Putin’s mouth, you will notice blood dripping from it. He is a vampire who commits genocide against Ukrainians and Russians alike. President Vlad Putin enjoys bathing in the blood of innocent children and this is why the dictator of the Russian Federation must be deposed.

Don’t you think it’s hypocritical for a transgender person to insult vampires? After all, they are from Trans-Irvania. But Sarah seems kind. If by nice you mean bat**** crazy. So this doesn’t actually mean Sarah is transgender. It’s that she’s insane and America’s mouthpiece for foreign wars. I do not understand. Yes, President Putin is a bad guy. truth. Once you get to know him, Ivan the Terrible seems like a not-so-bad Ivan the Terrible. And if you ever meet Putin, his advice is not to stand near an open window. That wind you feel is the oligarchy flying from above you. Vlad defeated more opponents than anyone else, but there was a close runner-up. But apparently Zelensky had no idea who this was, and claims he never approved Ashton-Cirillo’s hiring. There are many things I don’t know. But it’s as if that would let him off the hook, and by hook I mean Sarah’s penis. I know that, but Zelenskiy didn’t know this person, so who could have predicted that?

Russian troops withdrawn from Norwegian borders since the start of the Ukraine war: official announcement

Tom Shirieu: It makes no sense. I don’t know who they are, but has anyone asked Zelensky? [if] He feels comfortable with this person. They should. They should tell him that.

Hmm, Tom Schiroux, I should say his slogan is as smart as he is white. So why did he finally get HR involved? Not because poor Sarah requested time off for a prostate exam and pap smear. Because this nutbag nut is targeting the American people. Last week, Sen. J.D. Vance sent a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken asking who this person is, why an American citizen is serving as a spokesperson for a foreign government, and why he, she, or anyone online I asked if the conversation above was continuing. And say something funny. I mean, who does Sarah think she is, Joy Behar? In other words, Vance wants to know what we want to know. Who is this clown? Why is an American serving as spokesperson for the Ukrainian military? And who is paying for all this? And why does he keep giving me flashbacks to the school lunch lady in 8th grade? And now when I hear the word tater tots, I clench my genitals. The cuckoo clock answered the senator’s question with yet another very strange video.

Sarah Ashton Cirillo: In Ukraine, we are fighting for an ideology of global freedom and victory, but too many in Moscow and around the world are still trapped in a focus on the well-worn trope of gender confusion.

Sorry, champ. This statement about gender confusion might carry more weight if it didn’t come from a guy named Sarah. I mean, why can’t Ukraine win if this person is involved? In his 250-year history in the U.S. military, you’re the first public relations officer to tuck his balls in before getting dressed. But kudos to Jen Psaki for stealing her hair. So how did Sarah get to this point in the military, our military? This oddball holds the rank of warrant sergeant, which means someone promoted this . I think being a protected class opens all doors, not just the door to the girls’ locker room, but Sarah would like to end by stating something clearly?

Greg Gutfeld: More and more people are using trans banners to do insane things

U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visit St. Michael’s Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine, on February 20, 2023, amid Russia’s attack on Ukraine. (Reuters/Gleb Galanich)

Sarah Ashton Cirillo: Finally, I will end by clearly stating that I only answer to three groups of people. My Ukrainian commander, the Ukrainian people, and the American taxpayers.

Well, he excluded the girls at the makeup counter at Macy’s who helped him hide his five o’clock shadow. But he says he answers to American taxpayers. Well, as an American taxpayer I want answers, do you have a yeast infection or an itch? But what the heck is going on there? Yes, they are at war. You should know I’m paying. But they had no idea that this charming person was going online and saying all these weird things on their behalf. It’s like the head of Fox News doesn’t know that Kilmeade still works here. But it’s like everything else in this administration, you never know what’s going to come out of Joe’s mouth. And there’s no regime between Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine, and there’s a live performance of Tootsie’s play.


Perhaps Sarah is the perfect metaphor for a war that makes big speeches about freedom but relies on rhetoric rather than reality to siphon off billions of dollars. But if you look closely, you probably won’t like something that slaps you in the face.

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