newYou can now listen to Fox News articles.

yes. Yeah. Thank you, it was very, very good. Okay, control yourself. I’m just one of her, but I want to thank you for being here tonight because we’re going to have some difficult conversations. Wow, I wish he had a dollar for every time I hear that from a urologist, but honestly, this is hard. So let me start by saying this.

announcer: Warning, what you are about to hear is a serious topic. If you think you can’t joke about serious things, consider spending his next 15 minutes doing macramé, doing a few sets of sit-ups, and reading some online brochures about timeshares. We recommend that you do so. However, if you can deal with difficult themes while sprinkling in a few jokes, we’ve got a theme for you.

Okay. Well, I’m glad you all stayed. Now, I have to start by pointing out that Russell Brand and I are friends. Do I know him well? No, I knew him when he lived in London. His reputation was as well known as Winston Churchill, Benny Hill, and Cavity. There was a time when we hated each other.

Russell Brand accused of rape and sexual abuse of four women.Comedian denies ‘serious criminal charges’

Russell Brand, 2014: Greg Gutfeld trembles as a hateful human being… Greg is a bit of a pig, a bit of a cynic… You stupid sausage. You’re stealing oxygen, you’re wasting time… Your name, your weird facial opening looks like an anal cave, and most importantly, you’re being abusive. , uphold hatred, your emptiness, your reverberating bathtub heart.

British comedian Russell Brand’s YouTube channel has been officially suspended following allegations that he sexually assaulted four women more than a decade ago. (Karl Cote/Getty Images)

This does not look like an anus. But gradually that changed. He has appeared on the show. We talked and corresponded. Heck, we even exchanged skin care tips! So today I want to say that yes, we are friends, and I have no intention of walking away from that, because in good times it’s easy to be friends. So I want to talk about patience and refraining from judging someone in the court of public opinion. Because that’s part of this story. If you’re sitting where I am, sitting on a pile of money, you have to ask, how do we accurately report this story? How can we make a fair judgment? I’m not talking about social justice, I’m talking about actual justice. How can I avoid a lawsuit by Twitter, now called X? How do we evaluate these allegations since no investigation has ever been required by law? You see, what I mean?

The media is comparing Brando to Harvey Weinstein because both stories were first reported relentlessly by journalists. However, comparisons should not be based on a single variable. It’s like claiming Tom Brady and O.J. are the same because they both played football, or comparing Hillary Clinton to Jack the Ripper just because she murdered someone. , you can see how it works. That’s not reporting, it’s dropping a bomb. And it’s further proof that we live in an age where investigative reporting, when it comes to the devil, is as dry as airplane glue on the inside of a hunter’s nostrils. Have we seen this kind of thorough search for sources and articles about Hunter, the Steele dossier, Epstein’s client list, or just about any article recently? But we’re now witnessing some of the most thorough journalism in living memory, spending all its energy not on Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden or Bill Clinton, but on a guy named Russell Brand. I am. And Clinton’s philanthropy seems even more dubious than Brian Stelter’s. Because, yes. shade.

Police investigate Russell Brand’s sexual assault allegations, red flags emerge from comedian’s past

And of course it’s happening now, not 10 years ago when the incident allegedly happened, I get it, people have reason to wait, but the timing is perfect, and although I deny conspiracy theories, the most convincing There seem to be some critics of this incident. Those in power are in their sights. Literally, if you were his RFK Jr., you wonder if this would have been a story if Brando had staggered to the left instead of the right. In the UK, it started with reporters suddenly hunting down brand accusers. There are four accusers, but one has not been made public, and one is suspected of rape. No one went to the police. Next, the producers had an actress play the role of one of the victims in an interview with plenty of dramatic background music. Of course, the story went viral, but Rose McGowan, the founder of the MeToo movement, spoke out.

Rose McGowan: This is a concerted effort to bend the rules of journalism that have always existed, such as having to go on record about who you are and what your name is in order to make a complaint. I didn’t make those rules. These are the rules. That was the rule. Something very strange is happening…I have to put it on the record. It’s always been that way. I didn’t do that. I wasn’t happy having to do that. Others were not happy to have to do that either. But to condemn blindly and anonymously, none of these high-level journalistic outlets would ever have published this before. So you have to ask, why? Why now? What is the real story they are pushing?

This took courage, but it’s rarer in Hollywood than original ideas. But people don’t go to the police for their own reasons. And one of the big reasons is always what we call the gray area. Difficult to identify areas known as provable facts. Cops hate gray areas, but the media loves them more than Joe Biden loves freshly shampooed children. When it comes to gray areas, give the story freedom. They’re free to do whatever they want, for example with stories glorifying Brando’s over-the-top orgies, but they’ve been around for years as just funny and clearly not worth further investigation. I was thinking.

YouTube suspends Russell Brand’s earnings following sexual assault allegations, citing his harmful ‘off-platform behavior’

Everyone claims his actions were an open secret, which is strange because if it’s public then it’s not a secret. But at the same time, one woman said that after meeting Bland, she went to a rape crisis clinic. It is reported that this is confirmed. So where is the truth? I don’t know, but that’s not the point. So are the rest of us. Look, there’s no need to draw conclusions now, no need to blame the brand, no need to blame the accusers. Because the presumption of innocence should be taken as seriously as the accusation. And the ultimate way to do that is to try these cases in real courts, not in the court of public opinion. Because those courts have ruined more lives than drugs and alcohol combined.

Let me be clear: I’m not Russell Brand, and I’m not off-brand. I was too short and homely to like women. Most of the sex I had was because I was KajaGooGoo’s roadie. An underrated band. However, as with the general public, there is always a chance that a knife might fly out. Thankfully, all I’ve ever done is pay a foreign prostitute to stop peeing on me. However, it is important to learn the facts and follow them. Sure, there was Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly, but there was also Kevin Spacey, Johnny Depp, and the Duke lacrosse team. So let’s remember just how wrong the media is.

And you know what? Maybe I am too, but at least I’m willing to admit it and wait for the truth.


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