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Sit down, sit down. please sit down. Happy Wednesday everyone. So if you were at work yesterday and suddenly felt the Earth’s axis shake, it wasn’t because Jerry Nadler fell. No, Congress actually did the right thing. In a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives censured Rashida Tlaib. Blaming it is less effective than putting Carmex in cold storage, but we accept it.

It is too much for even 22 Democrats to leave a statement condemning Israel in the US for the 10/07 attacks while calling for Hamas’ genocidal resistance. True Tlaib is so crazy that he is asked not to sit near anyone with allergies. Now, censure doesn’t mean much, like Congress fining Hamas for trespassing. But it seems the Democrats have finally woken up to the out-of-control monster they have created. Perhaps this is how Steve Doocy felt when Peter turned his 12th year. Here’s how her fellow “squad” monsters from the tribe tried to protect her.

Jewish Democrats vote with Republicans to censure Tlaib for anti-Israel comments: ‘Throwing gasoline on the fire’

Ilhan Omar: The truth here is that each of them does not acknowledge the fact that Palestinians are dying by the tens of thousands, yet they will continue to say that it is we who do not recognize their humanity…

colibusch: This elected body has enslaved black people… Racism and sexism, Islamophobia, being thrown out of elevators, xenophobia, etc. are happening in this workplace.

Jamal Bowman: Perhaps you lack diversity and lack the cognitive and emotional capacity to recognize diverse voices speaking truth to power.

Wow. No wonder Trump is trying to regain asylum. Ilhan Omar’s brother will be glad she divorced him, but if he’s going to build an asylum, he’d better build it bigger, because tens of thousands of college students now believe that anti-Semitism is unnecessary. This is because I believe that I can achieve great results. They prefer brutal dictatorships that noose against novel pronouns. So like confused parents, mainstream Democrats are scrambling to figure out how to tell spoiled children to behave or go to their rooms.

So how do we get young Democrats to think that terrorists are good people? Does the state of Israel, the freest nation in the Middle East, deserve to be destroyed? Well, here’s the history the brats never learned. Progressives supported Israel when it became an independent state in the 1940s. If we go through the history of World War II, the Holocaust, and the Pilgrims, it was the Jews who were considered the oppressed. And would it be an understatement to say that 6 million people were exterminated and oppressed? It’s like saying it’s cute. African Americans recalled Jews marching with them during civil rights demonstrations. Jews were arrested and even murdered there. Unfortunately, academia likes to hide such facts, but then something strange happened.

Democrats fail to block House vote on Rashida Tlaib’s anti-Israel comments

Israel committed an unpardonable sin. Very similar to me. It was successful. Worse, it looked a lot like America while doing it. And no one hates success more than malicious failure. Suddenly, Israel was no longer a safe haven for people who had been targeted throughout history, no longer a small nation capable of doing so, but an oppressor. No one likes fighting guys like Democrats and it’s all based on envy and what progressives have instead of actual progress. You know you can’t build ****, so let’s tear down **** is their motto.

So when America went to war in the Middle East after 9/11, we knew that sooner or later the left would decide we were the bad guys. That means our only true ally in the Middle East must also be a natural ally. That’s the basic progressive formula. America is a racist oppressor and if you help it, so will you. But what about the millions of mostly black and brown undocumented immigrants now flooding our southern border? They must also love racist oppression. But if you spent your time burning down buildings instead of going to class, the formula makes sense. And when the left gives arsonists trophies, their power only grows.

It was finally that OG progressive, Barack Obama, who completely distanced himself from Israel. Imagine looking at the Middle East and deciding that Iranians are good people. It’s like having 600 channels and deciding on CNN. know. It was under the Obama administration that $150 billion worth of frozen Iranian assets were returned. Well, Iran is funding Hamas and Hezbollah and we’re giving them $150 billion, but can you believe it didn’t work out? What does “baka” mean in Persian? President Obama also donated $400 million to the Palestinian Authority, with the money funneled into a pay-for-kill program to reward the families of so-called martyrs. I don’t think 72 virgins is enough for sales. And now Obama is undermining Biden’s own pro-Israel stance by saying, “No one gets their hands dirty.” Wow, did Barack eat a bad bagel or something? Or was it another dog?

Major Democrats remain silent on controversial TLAIB statement

Meanwhile, Kamala has announced that she will lead the fight against Islamophobia and will likely launch a bail fund for Hamas prisoners. But perhaps they don’t need it, but Hamas’ top three leaders reportedly have assets of $11 billion, while their citizens live in squalor. But in reality, this hatred did not arise overnight. This issue has smoldered on campus and in the media for years. But with new angry radicals entering government, the entitled shrieking chickens are coming home to roost.

So where does this leave their party? Well, if you’re a rough-and-tumble thug tearing up posters of kidnapped children and it’s just a faculty member, that puts you in the driver’s seat. Because while universities are filled with ideology and no experience, the influence of the New Left is growing like the hair on Joybear’s back in Congresses across the country. And if you drop your nipple ring into the pool, like a groupie, it’s a race to the bottom. These kids haven’t grown out of it. no.

Five pro-Palestinian youth workers at a factory Jewish owned coffee shop A Manhattan man just quit his job because of his store’s support for Israel. The owner even offered to take them out to dinner to talk, but they quit instead. The store was about to close when members of the local Jewish community showed up in droves. Some people volunteered to work shifts. So let’s talk about contrast. Closed fist and helping hand. No wonder our cities are starting to look like Gaza anyway. In that sense, by standing up to this growing radicalism, we all become Israel. It’s a similar battle.

Fortunately, there are no tanks or guns here. Please just vote.


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