When Gen V was announced, the show received mixed reviews. For example, the plot didn’t reach the hype for some, while character development seemed lacking. However, some believed that he was a worthy successor to The Boys, as he was able to right the mistakes of the previous season.

And now, with the release of episode 6, the pace of Generation V picks up, especially alongside the mystery surrounding the super school. Additionally, she has one character who is popular on and off screen, Marie.

Her powers are unique and unlike anything anyone has seen in the series before. And that is also the reason why it has a magical connection with the anime Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK).

In the latter, the main character Itadori fights the antagonist Choso in the Shibuya arc. But what is very impressive is that he uses his own blood to attack, just like Marie. In both shows, characters can use their own blood as a weapon, turning it into blades or small balls that pierce their skin.

But that’s not the only reason the two are very similar. Another important part is the backstory, which is quite tragic. After losing his brother to the attack of the evil Itadori, Nagamune becomes a man bent on revenge. He attacks Itadori with all his might, and Itadori is defeated. However, the next moment he discovers a new “memory”, he is stopped from killing the latter.

Likewise, Marie is driven by grief and sadness. When she realized her own powers, she accidentally killed her parents. However, due to her feelings of guilt, she is always relegated to her own corner and eventually ends up in the limelight. Her difficult past drags her down every time she tries to make friends and fears it will affect her. All she wants to do is get better and get back to her sister. Her sister despises her and considers her a monster who killed her parents.

However, in the JJK manga, it is revealed that Choso does not hate humans, and is in fact more human-like than other antagonists. When he learns that Itadori is his relative, he sides with Itadori more than anyone else. The same goes for Marie. She truly loves her family and friends and she would do anything for their safety.

However, the criticism that people have after watching these two is that Choso has a better personality than Marie. He seems cool to her, but Marie seems too insecure about herself. Furthermore, between the two of them, Choso is the better fighter than Marie. In this regard, it is important to note that one is an animated character, while the amateur is a real person. It’s easier to make an anime look cooler than it is to have a similar effect in a live-action show (One Piece is an exception due to the original author’s input). I also don’t know if Marie took inspiration from Choso. But one thing is clear: if they get into a fight, it will be epic.



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