Another remedy I sometimes recommend when financial anxiety manifests itself physically is to literally shake it off. If you’re thinking about getting life insurance at work and your heart is pounding, your stomach is tightening, and your breathing is shallow, for example, try standing up and shaking your arms and legs (too enthusiastic). I like to imagine Portuguese water). Birdie the dog who shakes his whole body for inspiration). It may sound a little strange, but this technique is based on a therapeutic model called “physical experience” developed by Dr. Peter Levine, a renowned trauma psychotherapist. As with other grounding techniques for anxiety, vigorous movement may help tune your nervous system, at least for now.

4. Spend time learning about money.

Financial education is often touted as a way to relieve financial anxiety. While it can certainly be helpful, mainstream advice to fill your brain with information about managing money is often short-sighted. Trying to learn everything you can about personal finance all at once can be overwhelming. For example, someone might be very interested in zero-based budgeting (how to accrue every cent and dollar every month), spend a lot of time researching the topic and creating a complete color-coded spreadsheet, and finally In general, you may feel: For example, you may overspend and fail in certain areas, give up, and decide that managing your own money isn’t for you.

Instead, I recommend educating yourself in bite-sized chunks. Try it. I also like to set aside time to deal with money on a regular basis. Now I plan to dedicate 45 minutes each month to her financial to-do list, but when I first started she was 30 minutes a week. This will help you feel calmer, knowing you’re taking the time to focus on a particular financial task when you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety.

5. Come up with your own money language.

Terminology like ‘pension’, ‘diversification’, ‘balance sheet’ and ‘time horizon’ can be turn-offs in the money management arena, especially if you’re in financial turmoil. Many people I work with say they feel that personal finance is not for them because they are intimidated by the confusing chain of terms. Try renaming the . To me, “budget” feels restrictive and punitive, so I use the term “spending plan” instead. The result is the same, but using words that are easy for you to use will make you less anxious. Other examples of this include calling the emergency fund the “life happening fund” and the retirement account the “financial freedom” account. This may seem like a small thing, but I’ve found (in myself and my clients) to be more welcoming to engaging with money.

6. Know that it’s okay if you need to seek professional help.

While the above tips can certainly help ease your financial anxiety in certain situations, it’s important to note that they may not work. If financial anxiety is ongoing and regularly affects your ability to care for yourself, work, and socialize with others, a health care professional should It can help determine the severity and provide treatment options to help manage it. ( Financial Therapy Association We have a database of therapists who specialize in financial wellness, some of whom accept insurance and offer sliding scale services. )

And if you’re struggling to make ends meet, are in a cycle of credit card debt, and/or are concerned about your ability to pay for basic needs, you may need more help than the advice in this article. In that case, working with a professional to find ways to earn more and spend less to meet your financial needs is paramount. united wayThe Free Financial Stability Program is a great resource. You can google “United Way Financial Stability + your county” to see if assistance is available in your area. clever girl finance-Education platform focused on helping women achieve financial independence and bridge the racial wealth gap, also offers a number of free courses to help them reach their financial health goals. I’m here.



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