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It was only a matter of time before the choice became mandatory.

A federal judge recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by parents of students in Montgomery County, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C., seeking to keep their children out of classrooms when books featuring LGBTQ characters are read.

Christian and Muslim parents say books like this force religious parents to either abandon what they believe their faith teaches or leave the public school system. He was suing the school system, claiming that

This is indoctrination, and the judge’s ruling violates the “free exercise” clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states that “unless the practice is contrary to ‘public order and morality’ or ‘compelling norms,’ It protects the right of citizens to practice their religion as they please.” “It is in the interest of the government.”

It took Judge Deborah Boardman 60 pages to argue her case. She said her parents would prove how her no-opt-out policy would “brainwash children or force them to violate or change their religious beliefs.” She claimed she couldn’t.

“With or without the right to opt out, parents are free to pursue their sacred duty to teach their children their beliefs,” Boardman said, even if their children do not accept religiously objectionable ideas. Parents are free to comply even if their exposure makes their efforts less likely to succeed.” It does not amount to a government-imposed burden on their religious practices. “

oh really? In public schools, children spend most of the day five days a week for nine months of the year. Religious parents do it at night, on weekends, and during the summer. Perhaps they are taking them out for worship or religious instruction for an hour or two a week. Given time alone, who can influence young minds, parents or public schools? Teacher authority, along with peer pressure to conform, can undermine parents’ and children’s religious beliefs. . Why can’t this argument work the other way around? Why can’t religious values ​​be taught in public schools so that secular progressives know something about religious values? Judge Boardman According to the “reason” of Atheist Parents, or children of parents of different faiths, they expect their child’s beliefs (or their own) to be undermined by exposure to the teachings contained in the scriptures. should not do.


From sexual topics to climate change, the country is focusing on secular subjects rather than focusing on subjects that prepare children to compete with China and other countries ahead in important subjects such as reading and science. forced education to follow a different worldview. , and mathematics.

I am a product of the Montgomery County school system, a shame to those who run it now. My classmates and I were taught classical subjects and received what is considered a good education. The same was true for the university I attended, where the ‘awakened’ education continues. While the costs associated with education have risen, the quality has declined.

Jessica Cornen will continue to fight to remove “parental secrets” from schools. (FNC)

personal story. A few years ago, I met then-Republican Rep. Connie Morella at a social event. She said I look like one of the most famous high school graduates, so she should be the commencement speaker. I told her that given my conservative politics and Christian beliefs, she could not be invited to speak. She disagreed and said she would recommend me as a speaker. I joked that if she was invited, she would pay her mortgage for a year.


After a while, I saw her again, and she shyly told me, “You were right. They weren’t interested in you.”

The option that Judge Boardman has given religious parents to be able to withdraw their children from public schools should be accepted. In that case, parents should campaign to raise taxes to send their children to the private school of their choice.




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