When my older sons were little, I decided to be an extreme outdoor family. It was supposed to be our “thing”. So I started by hiking a trail in the North Georgia Mountains about 45 minutes from my house. Do I have experience with this trail? Was it recommended to me? No, no. I read about it in a book. These family camp missteps may be laughable now, but the result is useful advice, so you should be more prepared than I am.

this is all the way i was stupid

Image credit: Amy Albers.
  • I didn’t tell my husband where we were going.
  • The boys drank most of the water during the drive to the trail. seriously?
  • I need help reading the map correctly.
  • I think I had some bandages in my backpack.

The hits don’t stop here, so let’s move on to the camp.

Endangering children during family camp

Image credit: Amy Albers.

My ex-neighbor is a free spirit. She has 4 of her children and her 2 below are the same as her 2 above me.we were always on the lookout cheap summer fun. “Let’s go camping!” she said. I was game “Yeah, I’ll put it on my calendar.” Her reply was, “No, let’s go tonight.” What now?

It didn’t resonate with my insane mind of planning and control. However, I booked the nearest state park to play with. do you know what i didn’t do? Check the weather. The storm was so bad that I stayed up all night listening to the sirens of a tornado that I knew was coming. But of course it was pouring outside and everyone in the tent wanted to go to the bathroom, but I had no plans.

Another turn at the state park included my child, now a toddler. That toddler kept falling between a cement bench and a picnic table at the campsite and gave me at least four heart attacks. The boy isn’t very athletic yet, but he’s an honor student with good grades, so there was obviously no follow-up damage.

Tips for hiking with kids

Image credit: Amy Albers.

tell someone where to go

On my first hike, I didn’t tell my husband where we were going. If we hadn’t come home, he wouldn’t know where to start his search. Cell phone service can be spotty in the wilderness, so waiting until you reach your destination may not work.

Consume more food and water than you think you need

My first mistake was leaving water and snacks in the back seat. It helped people with limited self-control to get out of boredom. I didn’t realize it until I got to the trailhead. Keep all food and water out of reach of young people. Depending on the age of your child, carry water with you if you think they will drink it up quickly.

follow the marked path

My eldest son is Mr Nature. he loves to explore. One day he went off track and ended up in a beehive. He was stabbed multiple times and ran away down a mountain road in hysterics. He had to chase after the baby with it on. This is a less than ideal way to reassure your child that he or she is not allergic to bee stings.

Get someone to know how to read a map

I’m not going to sugar coat it. My spatial awareness is severely lacking. I didn’t know which way to go down that road. This is not a hoax. There was a group of Boy Scouts there who steered us in the right direction.

carry basic first aid supplies

Halfway down the trail we met another hiker with a giant dog. It was on a leash, but reluctantly jumped on the eldest son and wrapped its mouth around his neck before the owner could control it. Luckily the dog bit him but didn’t hurt his skin. But if he was badly injured and bleeding, I wasn’t ready.

family camping tips

Image credit: Amy Albers.

If it’s your first time tent camping with your kids, especially when they’re young, it’s a good idea to have another adult with them. If you can’t go with someone important to you, go with a friend and family like I did. That way, you’ll feel more secure in the event of a camping mishap.

check the weather

I’m not saying you shouldn’t go if the forecast calls for rain. However, it’s best to pack accordingly to make people feel comfortable. Also, be aware of the expected adverse weather conditions and have a plan for contingency plans should the worst occur.

Teach children how to be safe around camping equipment

My kids know to avoid handling anything hot or sharp. But on camping trips with other families, someone else had a gas lantern. My son is used to battery powered lanterns, so I picked one up around the glass. He didn’t know it would get hot. So if you’re camping with other families, check their gear to see if your kids need to avoid anything. That’s the next tip.

Know where the nearest emergency medical facility is

Luckily, we were camping in the area my husband grew up in, so I knew where the nearest emergency room was. Unfortunately my son suffered second degree burns on his hands. Luckily, he was unusually upbeat about the matter and didn’t let it spoil the rest of the weekend. Or ours.

Buy or build an emergency toilet

This advice is essential if you have a girl. Her three sons have no problem watering them outside, but no one wants to be out in the rain in the middle of the night. There are millions of ways to deal with this. Bring your old toilet seat. Get a bucket. Empty bottles are convenient. I bought a funnel shaped one for women last year. It was life changing.

Please bring your own kids table

If you have small children, the standard picnic tables at campsites may not be enough. As I mentioned earlier, the cement tables and benches at our site proved to be a safety hazard for young children. It would be easier for everyone if we could bring a small folding table that was more child friendly.

bring those games

These children are soft. They spend less time outdoors than previous generations. Sometimes it shows that you don’t know how to have fun in the great outdoors. Throw a board game in your car. Cards are always the best when you need space. If the kids are a little rowdy at bedtime (the 5th s’more may not have been the right fit), you can easily play a board or card game in the tent to calm people down.

family camping fun

Image credit: Amy Albers.

To be honest, I don’t mean to scare you.Camping with kids is an affordable way family trip. Bring children into contact with nature. Most importantly, family camping tends to allow for more relaxing time together than other forms of vacation. Of course, there will be mistakes at camp, but you can learn from them. At least you’ll have a great story to tell around the Thanksgiving table.

This article was written and distributed by Wealth of Geeks travel.



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