This article was originally conversation.

For most of human history, stars shone in the dark night skies. However, since the Industrial Revolution, artificial lights have illuminated cities and towns at night, and the stars have begun to disappear.

we are two Astronomer People who rely on the dark night sky to do our research.For decades, astronomers have building telescope in the the darkest place on earth avoid light pollution.

Today, most people live in cities and suburbs. illuminate the night sky unnecessarilygreatly reduced star visibilitySatellite data suggests light pollution remains in North America and Europe constant or slightly decreasing over the past decade, Increased in rest of the world, Africa, Asia, South America, etc. However, satellites miss the blue light of LEDs. Commonly used for outdoor lighting – Leads to underestimation of light pollution.

an international citizen science project called globe at night It aims to measure how everyday people’s view of the sky is changing.

The Globe at Night survey asked users to choose which panel, each representing a different level of light pollution, best suited the sky above them. earth at night, CC BY

Measuring light pollution over time

Relying on citizen scientists makes it much easier to take multiple measurements of the night sky over time from many different locations.

To provide data for the project, volunteers provide time, location, and local weather conditions. Online reporting page Any time one hour or more after sunset on a specific night each month. The page then displays eight panels, each showing the constellations visible at that time of year. For example, January and his February Orion. The first panel represents a night sky polluted with light, showing only a few of the brightest stars. Each panel represents progressively more stars, darker, and darker skies. The participant then matches what he sees in the sky with one on the panel.

The Globe at Night team launched the report page as an online app in 2011, when LEDs were just beginning to be widely adopted.of recent papersthe team excluded data points that were taken at dusk, when the moon was out, when it was cloudy, or when the data was otherwise unreliable. Acquired primarily in North America and Europe.

Data show that the night sky averages 9.6% brighter every yearFor many people, the sky today is twice as bright as it was eight years ago. The brighter the sky, the fewer stars you can see.

If this trend continues, child born today Where you can see 250 stars today, you can only see 100 stars on your 18th birthday.

Cause, Effect and Solution

Urbanization and increased use of solar cells are the main drivers of the brightening night skies. LED for outdoor lighting.

The more light pollution, the fewer stars you can see when looking at the same part of the night sky. The image on the left shows the Orion constellation against a dark sky, and the image on the right was taken near Orem, Utah, a city of about 100,000 people. jpstanley/flicker, CC BY

Loss of dark skies due to both light pollution and light pollution Increasing number of satellites orbiting the earththreatens our ability as astronomers good scienceHowever, since the deterioration of dark skies is also a human loss, everyday people also feel this loss. cultural heritageThe starry sky has inspired artists, writers, musicians and philosophers for thousands of years. For many people, a sky full of stars brings an irreplaceable sense of awe.

Light pollution also disrupts the daily cycle of light and darkness. flora and fauna Used to regulate sleep, nutrition and reproduction. Two-thirds of the world’s important biodiversity areas are Effects of light pollution.

Individuals and their communities can make simple changes reduce light pollutionThe trick is using the right amount of light in the right place at the right time. Shading outdoor lighting fixtures so that they shine downward, using light bulbs that emit yellow light instead of white light, and putting lights on timers and motion sensors all help reduce light pollution.

Next time you’re far away from a big city or other source of light pollution, look up at the night sky.Approximate view 2,500 stars visible to the naked eye A truly dark sky might convince you that dark skies are a resource worth conserving.

Chris Impey is a Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, funded by the National Science Foundation and Epic Games.Connie Walker is
He is a scientist at the National Institute of Optical and Infrared Astronomy and works for NSF’s NOIRLab and the International Astronomical Union. He is a member of the American Astronomical Society COMPASSE and a board member of the International Dark Sky Association.

This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons Original work.



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