About two years ago, I went through a health crisis that not only threatened my own health, but also threatened the continuity of care for the families I care for as the owner of a home-based child care program. Ta.

One day, as I was cleaning up after work, I started having palpitations and difficulty breathing. After several visits to the hospital, she was admitted and finally diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AFIB). Atrial fibrillation is a disease that causes blood clots and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Doctors first prescribed heart medication, but the symptoms worsened. Since then, he has undergone several procedures, including heart surgery.

With no other options, I took time off from work to undergo treatment and recover. To continue the program, I turned to my adult daughters. My daughters have chosen to return to my home and work with a part-time teacher that I employ.

Having worked in early childhood education for 40 years and nurturing young minds, I am aware of the many challenges of this profession. compensation There is a lack of respect for the job due to staffing. But this experience made me wonder. Where is my safety net if I get sick or want to retire as an early childhood educator?

Desperate to continue the program despite not being able to work myself, I asked for financial support. I received state disability benefits in 2022 when the health crisis began, but they were not renewed the following year. I feel frustrated and embarrassed by the lack of support, especially considering the many years I have contributed to the community.

Sadly, my experience is not unique. according to investigation In a survey of more than 350 early childhood educators conducted by the National Association of Home Child Care (NAFCC)—a nonprofit that supports home-based early childhood education programs like mine—only 16 percent of respondents said their income was enough to cover essential employee benefits like retirement and health insurance.

Although some states have taken steps to address various elements of the child care crisis, the reality remains the same. We are undervalued and overlooked.The average childcare worker earn income With a salary of just $32,070 per year, fair compensation, benefits, and federal support are essential. It’s time to recognize the important role we play and give us the support we deserve.

The lack of adequate supports for the early childhood workforce ripples throughout the child care system, impacting early educators, children, and families. When experienced professionals like me are forced to leave due to health concerns or lack of financial stability, the consistency and quality of care for the children we serve is compromised. Families are left scrambling to find alternative arrangements, and the relationships we have built with them are put at risk.

Moreover, the challenges facing early childhood educators go beyond financial burdens. For me, the emotional toll of navigating a health crisis without safety nets was immense. I entered this profession out of a pure passion for supporting young learners, but I was constantly stressed and worried about my ability to survive in the classroom, which took a toll on my health. I deserve better treatment. We all are.

Addressing these systemic problems requires a multifaceted approach. First, we need increased investment in the sector to ensure early childhood education workers are fairly compensated for the valuable work they do. This includes not only increasing wages but also providing comprehensive benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. In addition, we need greater recognition and support for the unique challenges faced by early childhood workers, with a focus on implementing policies that prioritize the well-being of early childhood workers and the children in their care.

Although I am still recovering and have some physical limitations, I was thankfully able to continue with the program and take on a more active role as an advocate for early childhood educators. I have served on advisory boards to communicate the needs of family child care providers, spoken as a panelist on these issues, and lobbied mayors and local councils to get involved. I am learning more about child care policy and how I can make a difference as a family child care educator.

I have spent my entire career supporting children and their families, first as an early educator and then as the owner of my own early learning program. Next year will mark 20 years since I started working for myself, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It wasn’t easy. But I am incredibly proud of the program I created — a place where children feel safe and loved, and where parents feel secure while they are away from their babies. I will continue to speak out and advocate for all early educators. It’s time we are recognized, supported, and valued as essential contributors to society.



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