Dororo, a Japanese manga series drawn by manga artist Osamu Tezuka, debuted in 2019 and has made a name for itself as one of the most popular manga series of the year. It is an Amazon Prime limited series created by Tezuka Productions, and a second season is expected to be produced. Here’s what you need to know about Dororo Season 2 release date, cast, plot, and trailer.

Will there be a second season of Dororo?

It’s unclear what will happen in season two. There are many reports about the continuation of Season 2. However, nothing has been said about Dororo Season 2.

Adapter, MAPPA, and Tezuka Productions are focused on producing new dramas, so it looks like fans will have to wait a while for season 2.

On the contrary, despite the intensifying controversy surrounding MAPPA’s alleged working conditions, there has been no official confirmation of the status of the second season of Dororo.

When is the release date of Dororo Season 2?

It has not yet been confirmed whether there will be a second season of Dororo, so we cannot provide a release date. Although the delay has not been definitively confirmed, the lack of Season 2 in this release lineup overshadows the previously expected 2024 premiere, and pushes back the 2025 release window. is becoming a more realistic possibility.

Who is the cast for the second season of Dororo?

Amid the recent MAPPA controversy, fans have expressed concern that season 2 could face a hiatus or cancellation. Despite the concerns, the series is still one of the most popular manga series of 2019.

On the other hand, if season 2 airs, season 2 will feature similarly voiced characters. The list includes:

  • The narrator is Mugito
  • Rio Suzuki as Dororo
  • Hiroki Suzuki as Hyakkimaru
  • Role of Hakumaru: Mutsumi Sasaki
  • Naoya Uchida (Daigo Kagemitsu)
  • Role of Tahomaru: Shoya Chiba
  • Akio Otsuka as Jukai

What will be the plot of Dororo Season 2?

Dororo Season 1 follows the journey of Hyakkimaru, a young prosthetic warrior who attempts to retrieve parts of his body from a merciless demon. During his travels, he meets Dororo and suddenly forms an alliance for the same reason.

As for predictions for season 2, we are likely to witness a new demon lusting after Hyakkimaru’s limbs, while the resurrection of his malevolent deceased father brings a sense of menace, promising more excitement for the series. Masu.

Dororo season 1 has been well received by viewers, but some netizens have criticized its poor working conditions, as many animators expressed concerns during the production of this season.

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Is there a trailer for Dororo Season 2?

Although information about season 2 remains unofficial, there is no such trailer for Dororo season 2. Due to the possible delays of the MAAPA series, we cannot expect to witness the series anytime before 2024.

Where can I watch the second season of “Dororo”?

Dororo was available on OTT streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime. So, once season 2 is released, you can expect to watch it on the same streaming giant.


While the release of Dororo Season 2 remains vague, fan enthusiasm remains evident. Doro’s critical acclaim and promise of a unique narrative piece builds anticipation for the next season. As media rumors suggest that the story of Dororo season 1 is converging, fans are eagerly awaiting the official news regarding the premiere date of season 2 on Amazon Prime.

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