An Argentinian court on Tuesday sentenced the country’s vice president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, to six years in prison to return to public office after being found guilty of corruption during her previous term as president. He was disqualified from taking office.

Fernández de Kirchner is on temporary immunity for his current role, so he won’t be going to jail anytime soon and can appeal. After her sentencing, she denied the allegations against her, but she said she would not run for re-election next year.

“I’m not going to be a candidate for president or senator,” she said. “My name will not be put on the ballot.”

In court, the Argentine Federal Prosecutor’s Office accused her of conspiring with other government officials to sign contracts worth millions of dollars for road construction, according to the complaint.

According to documents released by the Argentine Federal Court in Buenos Aires, “essentially, they demonstrate the existence of indiscriminate and corrupt links between administrative officials (national and state) and state contractors.”

Fernández de Kirchner, during his presidency from 2007 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2015, was charged with “administrative dishonesty” for distributing public funds to construction companies for road construction in Santa Cruz. Convicted.

The deal with the construction company of family friend Lazaro Antonio Baez was for the benefit of Fernandez de Kirchner and Baez, the court said.

According to Argentina’s state news agency Telam, the former president “gave Baez on favorable terms for 80 percent of the national highway works in Santa Cruz between 2003 and 2015.”

Baez was also sentenced to six years in prison for his involvement in the alleged scheme, along with former Public Works Commissioner Jose López and former Highway Commissioner Nestor Perriotti.

Lopez and Periotti have also been disqualified from holding public office again, Tellam reported.



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