Applications for the state-funded rental assistance program begin next week for the first time in five years.

The Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program is a County of Hawaii program that can provide housing assistance for up to two years to eligible individuals and families.

Arianne Alonzo, a community housing specialist with the county’s Department of Housing and Community Development, said the TBRA is similar in structure to the Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and is available to households with a median household income level of 60% or less. said. $57,120 for a family of four.

The county has not been accepting TBRA applications since 2018, Alonzo said, explaining that the county has prioritized Section 8 and administration of various COVID-related housing assistance programs for the past five years. Between May 1st and January 26th, residents may submit their initial TBRA application to the county housing office.

“If they are found to be income eligible and have a rental site approved by the county, they can get a housing voucher,” Alonzo said.

Eligible applicants will be added to a waiting list and confirmation of their position on the list will be sent within approximately one week from January 26th.

Certain applicants will be given priority on the waiting list. Those displaced from their homes by natural disasters or government actions, those experiencing domestic violence or displaced, those who are homeless, those who are seeking reunification, those with terminal illness, those who have access to foster care. Disappeared foster youths and families in temporary housing are prioritized among applicants.

After the waiting list closes, the county will select applicants from the list for the screening process. Applicants must submit relevant documents.

Alonzo said she didn’t know how many people would be added to the waiting list, but last year there were at least 2,500 applications for Section 8 assistance. He said the number would depend on the applicant’s circumstances.

“I hope many people will apply,” Alonzo said.

For more information on the program, including an application form, visit

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