The UK cancer organization claims that abnormal factors are partly responsible for the surge in skin cancers. It’s the popularity of cheap vacation travel in the 1960s. Cancer Research UK reports that overall melanoma cases have reached a record high of 17,500 cases per year. Guardian. And the biggest driver of this surge is cancer incidence among people at least 55 years old. Since the 1990s, cancer incidence in this age group has increased by almost 200%. sky news. There he appears traveling in the 1960s.

“The rise in prevalence among people over the age of 55 is likely related to the tendency for skin to tan and the boom in cheap package travel that began in the 1960s, before people were more aware of skin cancer,” said cancer. The group said in a statement. Other factors include increased awareness of danger signs (often new or changing moles) and a growing population of the UK, especially the elderly population. In fact, cancer research groups predict that by 2040, the number of cases will reach 26,500 per year. fatalities (number Scotland reports that the incidence of skin cancer is declining, in part because of early detection and treatment. Herald. (Read more about skin cancer.)



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