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As the Middle East war between the State of Israel and Hamas terrorists enters its second month, Americans will hear former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates say President Joe Biden was “wrong on almost every major foreign policy policy.” I’m starting to understand what you mean when you say that. and national security issues over the past 40 years. ”

Joe Biden has been an embarrassing train wreck when it comes to foreign policy, so Americans should brace themselves for a season of predictable strategic failures and bad calls from the White House. Biden’s poor ranking in polls for the 2024 presidential election will only make his decisions on the world stage more politicized, further worsening U.S. and global security. Dew.

A reprehensible and reckless leak emanating from the White House reveals that President Biden and his senior aides “discussed the possibility that Benjamin Netanyahu’s political lifespan is numbered” and that “Netanyahu’s short political lifespan is numbered.” Look no further than “this is a sign that the topic has come up in 2019.” In a recent White House meeting involving Biden, “Biden even suggested to Netanyahu that he think about the lessons he would share with his eventual successor…”

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects ceasefire, says ‘time for war’ with Hamas has come

Such offensive statements aimed at weakening Prime Minister Netanyahu’s political standing in his country during a war are irresponsible actions to say the least. The Prime Minister would be right to ask these friends: “Who needs enemies?” President Biden and his pathetically weak and rudderless national security team are playing a dangerous game driven by cheap electoral politics, and the American people are left wondering whose side they are on.

The president’s recent announcement that he supports a “pause” of war will not make Israel or the world safer. This is by no means the behavior of a true ally. Indeed, it gives off the air of a politician worried that his clumsy re-election efforts will erode support from his radical left base. Biden’s appeasement of extremists who hate Israel in our cities and campuses has gone on for far too long and is harmful to our country. This president needs to find his backbone and moral clarity because now is our time to make choices. The only “pause” Joe Biden should demand is a moratorium on American taxpayer funds going to anti-Semites on college campuses and dictators at the United Nations.

President Biden and his senior advisers clearly disapprove of the methods Prime Minister Netanyahu has chosen to protect the country from Islamist killers seeking to wipe Israel off the map, but the Prime Minister’s ability to win a decisive victory remains uncertain. It is wrong to actively undermine this. One day Mr. Biden is pledging “rock-solid, unwavering support” for Israel, the next he is questioning Prime Minister Netanyahu’s leadership in the media.

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And at a time when anti-Semitic incidents have increased by 388% since Hamas’s brutal attack that killed 1,400 innocent people, Vice President Kamala Harris is acting as if Muslims are being threatened in America. He sends out extremely tone-deaf tweets like this. “Confronting hate is a national priority,” the vice president tweeted on Nov. 1. “Today, the president and I are announcing our nation’s first national strategy to combat Islamophobia.” Stated. It is difficult for the Biden White House to make such a statement at a time when Islamic terrorists are taking hundreds of innocent people hostage, including Americans, and raping, burning, and beheading Jewish women and children. It is completely inconceivable that it would be acceptable to expose it to the sun. .

So don’t expect President Biden, who has experienced a half-century of foreign policy failures, to change his tune and start moving things forward right away. Since the rampage and killing of Hamas terrorists began on October 7, this president has returned to his old strategy.

First, the president refused to directly blame Iran for its role in the brutal Hamas attack, then quickly pivoted to delaying an Israeli ground invasion. Now, he refuses to adequately confront the anti-Semitic hatred that is being fostered in our country because of his party’s disgraceful moral equivalency. Mr. Biden is also playing politics by linking U.S. aid to Israel to aid to Ukraine.

Every election has consequences, and unfortunately for America, Israel, and the free world, Biden is the last person who should be making decisions at a time like this.


Americans understand the difference between right and wrong. They saw Hamas’ atrocities and Iran’s involvement with their own eyes. They are also witnessing a frightening rise in anti-Semitism and want it to stop immediately.

The time has come for Joe Biden to truly link arms with Israel and with Prime Minister Netanyahu. History will judge.

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