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The Biden administration’s self-inflicted border crisis will have dire consequences for America’s future.

While cities and states struggle with the immediate effects, we must not overlook the hundreds of thousands of minors from faraway countries who enter our public education systems. This is a system that blames the state, ignores merit, ignores individual responsibility, and sows the seeds of society. Anti-Americanism, victimhood, and tribalism.

Our education system was once an essential part of assimilating immigrants into American culture. Sadly, left-wing policies rooted in DEI have destroyed this process. This militant education system is endangering the core American values ​​that have bound our country together for more than two centuries.

As a professor, I was already troubled by the vast majority of native-born Americans who knew little about American history. (FNC)

Since President Biden took office, there have been more than 463,000 border encounters with unaccompanied children (UC). At least 300,000 unaccompanied minors have been released into the United States, according to a House Judiciary report, but the Biden administration has declined to release an exact number.

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Introducing hundreds of thousands of new students (many of whom do not speak English) into these indoctrination factories has serious consequences.

While the overall quality of education for all students will inevitably decline, I am more concerned about the diversity, equity, and diversity that new students, with little understanding or knowledge of America, have infected the curriculum. How is it taught under the gender, inclusiveness (DEI) virus? all over the country, especially in New York state.

Rather than focusing on American exceptionalism and American history as a whole, these students will be exposed to a steady stream of anti-Americanism. Moreover, they are indoctrinated with a sense of entitlement under the banner of equity and the belief that they are victims of an oppressive culture.

See how police officers are portrayed in the New York State Board of Regents DEI Framework, This unfairly highlights the “senseless and brutal killings of Black and brown men and women by law enforcement.”

House Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill also includes free community college for illegal immigrants

The report makes clear that America is an inherently racist country, stating that “systemic racism exists in policing, education, health care, employment, housing, access to capital, and other considerations.” It pervades every aspect of our lives, including almost every area where we live.”

Think about the message this sends to people who have traveled thousands of miles and know little about the United States. Why would hundreds of thousands of young people seek to assimilate into a culture that they have been programmed to perceive as inherently evil?

This undermines the concept of E Pluribus Unum, one of the many principles that George Washington warned was necessary for the survival of the nation.

Consider that our universities, including the University of California, one of the largest university systems in the country, consider the melting pot concept a “racist microaggression.”

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It is now taboo to require people coming to the United States to assimilate to our culture and values. Rather, far-left policies demand that America assimilate and succumb to the culture of those who come here, which further erodes American identity.

As a professor, I was already troubled by the majority of native-born Americans who knew little about American history, its system of governance, and their role in it. As this ignorance deepens, our identities crumble and the cohesive forces that once united us disappear.

A corrupt system that fails to educate its own citizens and hundreds of thousands of newly registered unaccompanied minors puts the American people at risk for continued degradation. No other country in the world would be so foolish as to indoctrinate its own citizens and those who have just entered the country into a hatred that will ensure our destruction.


The President has the authority to end this crisis immediately. His open borders policy has created conditions that undermine America’s core values ​​and culture, putting America’s future at risk.

By overhauling our education system, we can restore the assimilation process that has worked for two centuries. We must reestablish an education system that teaches our national values, preserves our American identity, and focuses on good citizenship over advocacy for social justice. The future of our country is at stake.

Click here to read more about Nicholas Giordano



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