Step into today’s classrooms and it’s clear that technology is more than just a tool, it’s a driving force behind vibrant communities, shaping the way students learn and teachers connect. Many students have access to technology in the classroom, but the real challenges are: Utilize resources effectively to enhance learning and build stronger, more resilient communities. As schools seek to adapt to the demands of today’s digital world, they need to go beyond just providing access to devices to leveraging technology to enhance instruction and create meaningful engagement and connections between schools and teachers. The emphasis has shifted to promoting. Many schools prioritize stakeholder collaboration during the technology needs assessment process. By taking a collaborative approach, schools and districts can ensure that the implementation of new technology is aligned with the diverse needs and aspirations of students, teachers, and the broader community, and that the vision is truly shared. , resulting in a more dynamic and interactive experience.

EdSurge recently spoke with: Daniel GaunaExecutive Director of Information Technology El Segundo Unified School District, California. Gauna has 16 years of experience within the district. Prior to his current position, he worked as a consultant for local school districts in the South Bay region, focusing on technology components of his infrastructure such as firewalls, routing, and switching. Although his background is in technology, his current role requires him to work closely with his Education Services team to support educational applications and other related aspects. Gauna strongly believes in the importance of engagement and collaboration when defining technology needs and goals.

EdSurge: What is your district’s vision for technology integration?

Gauna: Being part of a smaller school district allows us to work more directly with the community, especially when it comes to technology and instructional direction. We are focused on how we can support both students and staff in line with our vision.

The district’s goals include providing both technical and instructional support. The key is to leverage our technology to help students see it as more than just a device in their hands. It’s important to know how to use these tools effectively. This means moving from technology-dependent to technology-enabled.

We want to see technology used beyond traditional classroom approaches. We want students to be able to engage with their teachers and vice versa, and teachers to be able to engage with their students.

How did the district decide which technology to adopt to align with its vision?

We involved the stakeholders. I believe we should always do a proof of concept to make sure something fits our infrastructure. I have a background in networking and security, but I also think of things from a teacher’s perspective. I know the importance of approach, especially for teachers. We sought changes and improvements in our classroom settings.

So last year we tested a casting solution. He was joined by three teachers from each grade level to evaluate its ease of use and instructional benefits.of Bibi This solution turned out to be much easier to deploy from a technical perspective, and gave teachers more tools on the instructional side. Gathering feedback in advance allowed for a smooth transition to full implementation in the summer.

Since implementation, how has technology helped enhance the learning experience and foster engagement and connection?

As I mentioned earlier, the El Segundo Unified School District is committed to ensuring that classrooms are technology-agnostic and technology-enabled, meaning that technology is effectively used to improve the overall learning experience for students and improve student, teacher, and education Our vision is to build further bridges between people and people. Both leaders and content.

After launching Vivi this fall, an elementary school principal started creating it. morning announcement The entire school uses the video streaming feature and sometimes reads books. This is a highlight for the teachers, students and even our staff and allows him to start his day with a smile on his face.

Technology sometimes gets a bad rap because students are assumed to just sit on their devices, but at El Segundo, students use their devices to create work and collaborate in engaging ways. and share. One of our teachers shared how one of her nonverbal students took her 180 point exam. [turn] Because he can share his work with Bibi wirelessly. He was literally unable to share his voice until this tool was introduced into the classroom. Now you can do that. That is the power of technology when effectively combined with instruction.

See for yourself how Vivi transforms communications, increases classroom engagement, and simplifies IT management. Request a demo.

More than 2,000 schools, 100,000 classrooms, and 500,000 students and teachers rely on Vivi for classroom engagement and campus-wide communication. Vivi’s wireless screen sharing, digital signage, emergency alerts, video and text announcement capabilities keep students and staff informed and engaged throughout their school day. For more information, please visit



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