SENNETT — A 6-year-old girl may have saved her father’s life by calling 911 last month.

Alivia Schroeder was recognized Thursday by the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office after calling the county’s 911 dispatcher when her father, Maison Schroeder, had a stroke on Nov. 17. her sister Layla and her grandparents Stephen and Kathy Gould.

Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenk named Arivia Deputy Undersecretary and gave her a certificate.

“You are my hero,” Schenk told her.

Denise Spingler, the county’s 911 administrator, who read another certificate, said: We are all very proud of you. ”

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Arivia’s eyes lit up like fireworks when Spinler handed her a red balloon that read “911” and a bag containing a stuffed Squishmallow, coloring books and crayons. The girl later spoke with Lieutenant Nicky Lovelace, who responded to the scene, Denise Cornelius, the county’s 911 center communications training officer, and McKenna Rosell, the dispatcher she trains at the 911 center. Did. Cornelius and Roselle take Arivia’s call and praise the girl’s calm composure.

Alivia Schroeder, 6, was called 911 by Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck and county 911 administrator Denise Spingler when she had a medical emergency in November. was admitted to have

After Arivia was photographed with various officials, she and her family were taken to the 911 center and introduced to the other 911 dispatchers as Schenk once again called her a hero. Arriba was also able to sit in the dispatcher’s chair. Arivia then held her balloon tight while her family chatted with the Sheriff, Spinler, Cornelius, Lovelace, and Roselle.

She said her heart sank when she was informed that her 6-year-old was calling on behalf of her unresponsive father around 11 a.m. on Nov. 17. Paramedics were at the scene when Lovelace arrived. Maison and his daughters were together after Maison was taken away by ambulance, so she stayed with Alivia and Layla until Stephen and Kathy arrived. Did.

“Imagine being six years old and being calm and composed. They said she was giving good information, but you still want to go there,” Lovelace said. Told.

At one point, Arivia was asked who taught her how to call 911. Maison began having seizures in adulthood, worse than last year. In a calm voice, Arivia explained that she found her father’s cell phone plugged into a charger next to her when he started having her seizures.

When Cornelius and Roselle got Arivia’s phone call, she told them her father was drooling and shivering. . As he was sitting in a recliner, the girl pressed a button to cause the chair to recline, opening Maison’s airway. He began to wake up as the responders arrived. Loerzel and Cornelius, who started the center in September, said Alivia provided relevant information such as her name, her father’s name, and was at her grandparents’ house and gave her grandfather’s name.

“You were so, so strong, you knew exactly what to do, and you did it,” Spingler told Alivia.

Maison said Alivia told a friend about the situation at school the next day. He praised her daughter’s intelligence and said she was “thankful every night” that Arivia saved her own life.

Cornelius said he was impressed with the way Arivia and Roselle handled the situation and spoke about the importance of educating children about emergency calls.

“This shows that people need to educate their children about 911,” Cornelius said.

Staff Writer Kelly Rochereau can be reached at (315) 282-2243 or Follow him on Twitter @KellyRocheleau.



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