Written by Darin Detwiler

Looking back at the evolution of food safety over the past 30 years, we are seeing significant and escalating legal action against companies responsible for occurrences and violations. The effectiveness of these penalties, especially monetary fines, in preventing future food safety failures merits deeper consideration.

  • jack in the box: This 1993 multistate E. coli outbreak sickened more than 700 people in four states, hospitalized more than 170, and claimed the lives of four children. It marked an important turning point in food safety awareness, regulation, and policy in the United States. However, the lack of state or federal charges against the company or its executives means that the regulatory and legal frameworks at the time did not adequately penalize or hold companies accountable for food safety neglect. It sent a message to the industry that its importance may have been underestimated. Strict food safety protocols and monitoring.
  • jensen farm: This 2011 Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to cantaloupe resulted in at least 147 illnesses and 33 deaths in 28 states. To this day, this event remains the worst food poisoning outbreak in the United States. The court sentenced each of the owners to five years’ probation, six months of home detention, $150,000 in restitution and 100 hours of community service.
  • Deco star eggs: A salmonella outbreak in 2010 led to the largest recall in U.S. history involving approximately 550 million eggs and sparked a national public health crisis affecting thousands of people. The 2014 trial and 2015 verdict resulted in a $6.8 million fine and prison terms for the executives, making it a rare example of a company executive facing prison time for lax food safety practices. The importance of the DeCoster family egg scandal and subsequent ruling is that it establishes a precedent for holding food company executives criminally liable for food safety violations. The case highlights that the U.S. judicial system has begun to treat food safety violations seriously, signals to the industry that leaders can be held personally liable for product safety, and suggests that corporate culture increased the importance of strict food safety management.
  • Peanut Corporation of America (PCA): This 2008-2009 Salmonella outbreak attributable to PCA products resulted in nine deaths and hundreds of illnesses in 46 states and led to the largest food recall (over 3,900 products) in U.S. history. We are connected. The 2014 trial and his 2015 sentencing significantly expanded the impact of the food safety failures, resulting in multiple convictions and lengthy prison sentences for the executives involved. This case exemplified the judicial system’s growing determination to treat food safety negligence as a serious legal and ethical violation.
  • Con Agra Groceries: This 2002 listeria outbreak was linked to contaminated peanut butter and caused a serious food safety incident. This outbreak raised widespread public health concerns and, like the PCA incident, required a large and lengthy investigation over the next five years. The incident led to the largest recall of its kind at the time, involving millions of jars of peanut butter sold under various brand names. In 2015, ConAgra Grocery Products LLC agreed to plead guilty to federal charges related to the outbreak and was sentenced to pay an $11.2 million settlement, including an $8 million criminal fine. , which was the largest amount ever awarded in a U.S. food safety case up to that point.
  • Chipotle Mexican Grill: From 2015 to 2018, multiple foodborne illness outbreaks in multiple states involved a variety of pathogens, including: such as Escherichia coli and norovirus, and Salmonella Linked to Chipotle. The ensuing federal fine of more than $25 million (the largest ever in a U.S. food safety case to that point) highlighted the importance of operational practices in ensuring food safety. The case also highlights the reputational damage (it took 15 trading quarters on the New York Stock Exchange for the stock price to recover) and financial penalties that companies can face even if no criminal charges are filed. did.
  • Bluebell Creamery: Due to the 2015 Listeria ice cream recall, Blue Bell pled guilty to two counts of selling adulterated food in violation of Title 21 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 21 USC (and a total of $1,725 pay a criminal penalty of $10,000). 9 § 301 et seq. The court subsequently ordered the company to resolve Civil False Claims Act (1863) claims regarding ice cream products manufactured under unsanitary conditions (and sold to federal/military facilities). He was sentenced to pay an additional $2.1 million. At the time, the $19.35 million awarded in fines, forfeitures, and civil settlements was the second-largest amount ever paid to resolve a food safety issue. This incident further revealed the growing financial and operational consequences when companies fail to comply with food safety standards, and highlighted the role of top leaders in preventing such crises.
  • General Dollar: The most recent incidents included egregious sanitary violations, including a severe and widespread rodent infestation, identified at Dollar General’s West Memphis, Arkansas, distribution center from 2020 to 2022. . The issue was so pronounced that it led to a recall of all FDA-regulated products through the center from January 2021 to February 2022, affecting more than 400 stores across six states. The company has entered into a plea agreement that includes more than $41 million in fines and forfeitures, which represents the culmination of its current liability. Shortly after this agreement, the company announced its decision to close more than 1,000 stores. This incident not only shows that the direct economic impact continues to grow, but also highlights the broader impact on food security and access for affected communities.

These worsening impacts from past outbreaks to the present point to a clear trend toward increased accountability and even harsher economic penalties for food safety failures (see Figure 1). Future lawsuits are likely to involve even more severe financial penalties, but will they also include more significant operational consequences and personal liability for company executives?

The hefty fines imposed on companies like Chipotle and Dollar General represent an attempt to punish and deter dangerous behavior. However, these financial penalties should not be the final solution. One might speculate that increasing corporate fines has become a new industry strategy to avoid prosecution and prison sentences. True deterrence comes from a holistic approach that includes not just fines but strict enforcement of the Responsible Corporate Officer (RCO) principle, ensuring that individuals in positions of authority are held personally accountable for breaches of public welfare law. This will make it impossible to avoid.

History shows that even fines exceeding tens of millions of dollars have not eradicated negligence. As fines become more expensive, we need to consider whether fines alone are enough to deter wrongdoing, or whether they allow wealthy companies to avoid unintended consequences. When these fines become simply a cost of doing business for companies whose decisions are driven more by profits than by ethical considerations for consumer health and safety, consumers are faced with the burden of both food safety and price increases. You will feel the impact on the front.

  • It’s not a question of if, but when, the next big food safety failure will occur, driven by a combination of ignored warnings (possibly including ESG-related warnings), system vulnerabilities, and unforeseen challenges. likely to be triggered. As food technology advances and global supply chains expand, the complexity of maintaining food safety standards increases.
  • This next major failure will likely result not only from gaps in food safety practices, but also from a systemic underestimation of strong ethical standards and a culture of compliance. The likelihood of failure does not necessarily arise from a lack of knowledge or skill, but is increased by not prioritizing safety over profit at all levels of decision-making.
  • This future milestone could not only result in unprecedented penalties, but also prompt changes in how food safety is integrated into a company’s core values ​​and operations. There is also gender.

Fines and legal actions are always reactive, and their effects do not permanently undo the true burden on consumers. In an era of rapidly advancing technology and increasingly global supply chains, the next food safety failure can be prevented not by fear of financial loss, but by a strong commitment to public health and safety principles. You can

To ensure that the next goal in food safety is prevention success stories rather than failures, we must focus on the foundations of ethical leadership and accountability that permeate every level of the food industry. yeah. Proactive, ethical decision-making that puts consumer welfare at the forefront must be ingrained in every decision-making process, from day-to-day operations to strategic planning. To support this, the courage to prioritize food safety must be cultivated, validated, and even celebrated.

Rather than predicting failure, let’s learn from the past to pave the way for a future where food safety failures are historic anomalies rather than recurring headlines. To avoid becoming the next alarm bell, companies across the food industry must prioritize food safety as a central pillar of corporate responsibility.

By learning from past mistakes and embracing innovation in risk management, the food industry can not only respond to crises, but also aim to prevent them. By doing so, the food industry protects not only its consumers, but also its own future.

About the author: Darin Detwiler is a food safety scholar, advisor, advocate, and author. He has played a unique role in food poisoning control for his nearly 30 years. After losing his son Riley to E. coli in the 1993 Jack in the Box outbreak, the Agriculture Secretary called out: Detwiler collaboration About consumer education. He has been appointed twice to the USDA’s National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection, represents consumers as STOP Foodborne Disease Senior Policy Coordinator, serves on the Food Protection Council Board, and assists the FDA in implementing FSMA. Did. Mr. Detwiler is a professor of food policy and corporate social responsibility at Northeastern University. He chairs the National Environmental Health Association’s Food Safety Program.

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