I think summer is always the best time to read. The weather is usually gorgeous, making it perfect for a sunny holiday or a walk to the park with a good book. I think the best thing about books is that you lose track of time and get lost in the words. Being able to build a world created partly by the power of writing, but entirely by one’s own imagination, somehow makes the whole story-telling process more vivid, and arguably more personal. It looks like something. These books are old favorites of mine and new ones as well. You’ve probably never heard of or read one of his books or two of her books on your list. They may not be the most “fashionable” books to read, but they are some of the best books out there. Let’s go in right away…

1.) roots Written by Alex Haley

You’ll need all summer to read this. No, I’m not kidding, this is a huge book! I think I read it about 15 years ago, and it was a very interesting story. Author Alex Haley traces his lineage through six generations, starting with a young African teenager called Kunta Kinte. The story then continues from Kunta Kinte’s slave trade, the experiences of his descendants, to ‘modern day’ Alex Haley. This is a great book, it seems difficult to read, but the way it is written and the story itself captivates you from the first page to the last page. It’s a book that’s very easy to get into, but it’s hard to put away. (Available here England | we)

2.) Voyage of the Beagle Written by Charles Darwin

Follow Charles Darwin’s travels around the world and tell us what this original traveler discovered on his travels around the world. This is another fascinating book about travel, and one I would definitely recommend to anyone interested in travel. It’s an abbreviated version of Charles Darwin’s diary, so it’s easy to read and packs quite a punch. 🙂 (Available here England | we)

3.) bossy pants Written by Tina Fey

This book makes me laugh so much. As expected from Tina Fey’s book! I love her writing style and sense of humor (and I always do), but what I really love about this book is how unairbrushed some of her views are. She makes some really good points in this book and expresses it in a very comical way, so it’s a great book to read and one that will make you love Tina Fey even more. (Available here England | we)

(By the way – I’ve already seen her new show – unbreakable kimmy schmidt? If so, what did you think? )

Four.) animal farm Written by George Orwell

As you may already know, I love this classic book. It’s a pretty nicely written book that’s easy to read and covers some pretty strong messages about equality and fairness. I read this when I was a student, and at first I read it as a fun book about farm animals and the hijinks they do (I was still young and naive at the time), but the final I had to study this in my English literature class and only then did I understand what this book was really about. George Orwell is a truly wonderful writer. (Available here England | we)

Five.) 1984 or 1984 Written by George Orwell

While we’re still talking about George Orwell, another book to read is definitely his masterpiece, 1984. I actually read this book during a long summer vacation in Spain, so I think it’s a pretty fitting addition to the list. There were several books in the villa where we were staying, and this was one of them. I had just read one Jackie Collins book on my bookshelf, so 1984 seemed like a very welcome change and it was good! This book is definitely an influence on books like The Hunger Games, the Divergent series, and other dystopian books, and is a great read. Although it’s not as light as Animal Farm is often, it’s still an easy read and quite interesting. (Available here England | we)

Random facts: I lived in the same building that George Orwell lived in when he wrote 1984. At the time it was a run-down hostel, but like everything in big cities these days, the building has been converted into apartment buildings and looks nothing like what it was back then, but the idea is still very appealing. I think.

And it was done! These are the books I chose for the summer. What books are you planning to read this summer and which books would you recommend?

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dance ninja. He graduated from Cambridge University. He’s Cookie Monster.



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