29 highly informative parenting charts


You won’t see the baby right away…that’s definitely something I didn’t know until I became a father. This chart shows what their vision is initially and how they progress from there.


Speaking of babies, this photo shows how much a mother’s cervix grows during childbirth.


Have you ever wondered if your baby’s poop is normal? This table explains all of the following:


This chart shows how to recognize your baby’s hunger cues.


This chart categorizes everything about diapers.


This chart explains how parents and partners can model disagreement in healthy ways and help children deal with their own disagreements positively.


This chart explains where childcare costs are cheapest and most expensive in the United States (note: New York, Massachusetts, and California are the most expensive, and the South is the cheapest).


This fun chart includes wise and inspirational quotes from 50 of your favorite parents from movies and television.


This chart describes the dental development of children from 0 to 3 years of age.


And here’s what to watch out for between the ages of 6 and 8 to lessen the hit your wallet can take at the orthodontist’s office.


This table breaks down in clear terms how important night reading is for children.


This chart is great for teaching your child what to do if they get lost in a public place.


This is funny, but it’s actually practical. It’s an alternative swear word to keep you from dropping bombs left and right in front of your kids.


When it comes to language, here are some great alternatives to saying “be careful!”


And this chart shows you how to talk to your kids in a more positive way (even when they’re angry like @#$%&!).


This chart shows genetics and helps predict your baby’s eye color.


And this cool chart is basically genetics for dummies (i.e. dummies like me).


This chart claims to be a baby shoe cheat sheet (and it is):


Never forget this if your child likes to play outside without shoes.


This table describes how to perform CPR on infants, children 1 to 8 years old, and all other people.

twenty one.

This table shows 5 very important ways to save your baby’s life.

twenty two.

Here’s a great guide to successfully communicating with your kids, no matter their age.

twenty three.

And here’s how and when to praise your kids (“You’re doing great, sweetie!”).

twenty four.

This chart explains how to help your child become emotionally resilient.

twenty five.

This chart helps parents recognize different insect bites in their children.


And this chart will help you understand what kind of relationship your child has with other family members.


This table shows the ages at which your child is likely to learn different consonants.


This table shows a great trick for teaching children how many days there are in each month.



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