25 Weirdly Creepy Things People Found In Their Homes


“It’s a scratch on the inside of the basement door. It’s also an old house.”


“I mowed the garden, and when I came back the next day, I found a yellow spider in the garden with a human-shaped pattern on its web.”


“Last night I heard a crackling and crackling sound. I looked in the window… this is the outside, not the inside. (I live on the second floor in a two-story house. Under the window is the porch. There is a roof over the door).”


“I found this piece of rusty metal inside a malfunctioning, non-ghost kitchen faucet.”


“My husband and I found this ‘mask’ on the wall of our bedroom closet about eight years ago. It was placed in the gap between two walls.”


“The basement toilet entrance.”


“I found this in the basement of my new house.”


“My mother found this while gathering leaves in the garden of her new house. Does anyone know what this is? We named him Geneva. Please help.”


“They sent me a little circuit board with no return address. It had a piece of paper taped to it with the coordinates to my house printed on it. That was the only thing in the envelope. What was this? , I have no idea what it’s for, I’m sure I didn’t order it, so I don’t understand why there’s no return address.”


“I found this behind bathroom furniture.”


“When I got home, there was a skull in the washbasin.”


“The basement wall of a house for sale in our neighborhood. Only two families have lived in this house since 1817.”


“There was a shallow hole/grave the size of a human body behind my new house. The authorities came to check it out and said ‘weird but probably nothing’ but I don’t know what it is. Don’t touch it yet. Please, I was told they would check their records (they said they were already recording). So now I’m just waiting until they come back. “


“I found this when I pulled the carpet in my newly purchased house.”


“I just bought a house and found this on the master bedroom bathroom wall.”


“When I first walked into the attic and found a recently discarded snake skin.”


“My apartment in Venice has a clown in the lobby who dresses, undresses and changes positions depending on the time of day. I’ve never seen that happening. But it was right in front of our room and when I first saw it I was horrified.”


“There’s a queue in our basement that dogs don’t want to cross, and they wait anxiously at the entrance.”


“A room in my girlfriend’s basement that she’s never been in.”


“I woke up this morning to find that my bedroom had been pierced from the outside of the apartment building and had been poorly repaired.”

twenty one.

“In my first month in my new apartment, I noticed that someone had written ‘I’m watching over you’ on the front door. I hadn’t noticed it before, but it was probably a prank. It definitely surprised me. .”

twenty two.

“Today, I took a peek into the management office of the condominium, and I feel that the time has come to move…”

twenty three.

“The roots of the plants growing on the roof are hanging down through the walls.”

twenty four.

“I’m in my apartment in the middle of the day. I don’t know what’s hiding at the end of the hallway.”

twenty five.

“saw slither last night and Attack of the Body Snatchers And then I found something like this growing in my garden. 7 inches and bright orange. “



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