21 captivating charts that tell us something


This ingenious image explains how genetics work and makes you crave gummy bears.


This graph might leave you with a chip on your shoulder after seeing how much air is in your bag of favorite treats.

It’s time to take your frustrations out on the chip company!


Well, this guy TRUE interesting. This shows what happens when you give the exact same prompt to two AI text-to-image generators (Open AI and Stable Diffusion AI).


This incredible image shows how far the cervix can expand during childbirth.


This illustration shows how to kick a locked door open if you had to become an IRL action hero.


And this cool chart shows 16 — yes, 16! — mattresses of various sizes.

And if you’re wondering what the King of Alaska really looks like…well, here’s one.


If you’re a little confused about the difference after removal between your second cousin and your first cousin, this napkin can explain it all.


This very cool chart explains how vastly different the planets in our solar system are… using the fruit:

And if you want another humble image showing the size of objects in our solar system, take a look at this (and damn, the sun is huge):


OK, I love this chart! It shows how people all over the world express their laughter in text messages, and spoiler alert, but they don’t write LOL.

“555!” in Thailand, “huehuehue” in Portugal, and “asg!” in Sweden. Jamaican dwl! 😂😁 😂


It turns out that people in different parts of the world also draw tally marks in their own way.


This disturbing and sobering graph shows the dictator who killed the most people in history.

So how did Mao Zedong, who was the leader of the Communist Party of China from 1943 to 1976, kill so many peopleA large part of that was due to his Great Leap Forward plan, which was intended to rapidly transform China from an agricultural country into an industrialized one.? Too fast. As many as 45 million people starved to death as a result, fueling Mao’s refusal to acknowledge what was happening or to accept international aid.


Did you wake up this morning and think you’d see a ranking of countries based on how much they accept infidelity? But here we are!

Way to go France! You do you, lol!


This incredible graph shows how immeasurably a trillion dollars is.

And speaking of 1 trillion… this fact is wild. Hyperinflation hits Zimbabwe In 2009, which was so intense (inflation that year literally reached 230 million%!!!), the country introduced a 100 trillion dollar note…which is worth about 40 cents. had.


This chart shows the most trusted and least trusted occupations in the United States. Well, members of Congress are finally here!

“What?! Members of Parliament are the least trusted? How is that even possible?!”


We found this chart very fascinating as it details the many ways we self-destruct.


This chart basically screams, “Hey America, maybe we need to lean into public transportation a little more. What do you think?”


This table defines all the Latin phrases you hear often but don’t understand.


This chart shows all the Earth’s geological ages in order and how long ago they occurred.

twenty one.

And finally, this deep thought invites us to stop, reflect on where we stand, and be grateful.



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