With the holidays approaching, it’s easy to forget to double-check that your home is safe and secured. In fact, according to the Department of Justice, 14 percent more burglaries occur throughout the U.S. in the summer than in the winter. Rates of property damage and theft also peak during the hottest months of the year, just as many people pack their bags and head off on vacation.

Whether you’re enjoying the summer weather, Home in St. Paul, Minnesota, Marion, Iowa apartment,or Homes for Rent in Blue Springs, MissouriTo give you peace of mind, here are 15 home security tips to help protect your home while you’re on vacation.

Home Security Tip #1: Lock all windows and doors before going on vacation

that’s all 22 percent 10% of burglars enter homes through an unlocked front door or a first-floor window. The first line of defense to protect your home from intruders is to make sure your windows and doors are properly closed and locked. Do this a few weeks before your trip so you’re prepared in case you need to hire a locksmith to change or replace the locks. Then double-check that everything is secure as you lock it up before you leave for your holiday.

Home Security Tip #2: Install a Home Security System

Another way to protect your home is to install a home security system. Not only will it reduce the chances of a burglary, 300 percentBut many of the top systems also offer remote access so you can monitor your home from your cell phone, lock and unlock your doors, and check in on your pets in real time via security cameras. What’s more, some insurance companies offer it too. Up to 20 percent Installing a security system can help you get a discount on your home insurance premiums, and the money you save can help pay for your vacations.

Home Security Tip #3: Promote your home security

Security systems are a burglar’s biggest enemy and can deter them from breaking in. Put up stickers or yard signs near the most visible and accessible entrances to let intruders know your home is secure. Most burglars want to avoid trouble, so when they see a sign indicating a security system, they may decide it’s not worth the risk and walk away.

Home Security Tip #4: Prevent break-ins into your garage while you’re away

Many homeowners focus so much on the security of their main house that they tend to forget about their garage. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent garage break-ins: Install motion sensor lights in the corners of your garage, make sure the service door is locked, and store valuables out of sight. If you park your car in the driveway, remove your garage door remote to prevent thieves from breaking into your car and using the remote to enter your garage.

Home Security Tip #5: Use Lighting Timers When You’re Away

One effective way to secure your home is with a lighting timer. Lighting timers are affordable, easy to install, and can deter criminals by making it appear like your home is occupied. Choose a timer with a “random on/off” option. When lights turn on and off at different times throughout the day and night, it becomes harder for burglars to determine if someone is home.

Home Security Tip #6: Install Outdoor Security Lights

Burglars often look for dark, hidden places as they scout neighborhoods for targets. Increase security at homeConsider installing motion-activated lights around your home, as these will not only scare off intruders but also illuminate your surroundings, making their presence more noticeable.

Home Security Tip #7: Secure your home while on vacation by removing “hidden” locks

over 1 year One-third of burglaries Entering a home through the front door often involves using the homeowner’s “hidden” key. If the key is under the doormat or in a conspicuous place, it’s important to remove it. Another preventative measure is to replace your traditional front door lock with a keyless locking system to eliminate key concerns altogether.

Home Security Tip #8: Store your valuables in a safe

Consider purchasing a safe to protect your valuables from intruders. Make sure the safe is waterproof and fireproof to protect against natural disasters. Plus, for added security, hide the safe in a place where thieves are unlikely to search.

Home Security Tip #9: Clean up your yard before the holidays

In preparation for going out, protect your home by storing all outdoor equipment, like your grill, bikes, and tools, in a secure shed or garage. Mow the lawn and trim shrubs and trees so burglars don’t have a hiding place when they’re trying to get into your home. If you have gates providing access to your yard, make sure they are closed and locked. Check your property for any objects that a burglar could use to break into your home, such as bricks or hammers, and bring these inside or remove them from the property.

Home Security Tip #10: Arrange for lawn care

If you’ll be away for an extended period of time, consider scheduling lawn care to keep your home looking manicured. An overgrown lawn gives the impression that your home is vacant. If you don’t already have a lawn care service, contact your local lawn care or landscaping company to come and trim your front yard once or twice while you’re away.

Home Security Tip #11: Tell your neighbors when you’re going out

If you trust your neighbors, it’s a good idea to let them know your vacation plans and provide them with your contact information, as well as anyone who may be visiting your home while you’re away, such as a house sitter or dog walker. For extra security, ask a neighborhood watcher to keep an eye on your neighborhood for any unusual activity.

Home Security Tip #12: Hire a sitter to protect your home

Hire a house sitter to watch your home while you are away. This makes home security easier, especially if you have pets. You can hire a trusted friend to be your house sitter and take care of your pets. They can also take care of other tasks like receiving mail, delivering flyers, and putting out and removing trash and recycling bins, so it looks like someone is home.

Home Security Tip #13: Hold your mail

A sure sign that you’re out of town is an overflowing mailbox or mail piling up on your front porch. To prevent this, consider holding delivery of your mail and packages until you return. If you’re going away for more than 30 days, have a trusted family member or friend receive your mail for you. If you’re planning an extended vacation, you can also have your mail forwarded to your vacation destination.

Home Security Tip #14: Secure your utilities

Protecting your home from intruders is important, but so is preventing utility problems like electrical and water damage. Before you leave, unplug appliances, turn off the sink, dishwasher and washing machine, and make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. Taking these precautions will reduce the risk of unexpected hazards like fire or water leaks occurring while you’re away.

Home Security Tip #15: Be careful what you post on social media

Be careful when posting on social media. Even if you enjoyed a lovely holiday and took some amazing photos, it’s wise to hold off on sharing them until you’re safely back home. Announcing your absence on social platforms may let others know that no one is home and attract unwanted attention.

Protecting your home during summer vacation: Final thoughts

To protect your home while you’re away, you need to take proactive measures to deter burglars and prevent potential dangers. From locking your windows and doors to installing a home security system and using light timers, each measure adds an extra layer of protection. Making sure your home looks lived-in, like keeping the lawn trimmed and having a neighbor pick up the mail, adds an extra layer of security. By following these tips and staying vigilant, you can rest easy while you’re away, safe in the knowledge that you’ve done all you can to protect your home and belongings.



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