Many of us have had dreams that linger long after we wake up. Many years ago, Content creator named Emma She had a dream in which her future daughter approached her and told her her name, and it has stayed with her ever since.
However, when Emma told her boyfriend that she was going to name their first daughter based on a dream, his reaction was enough for her to end their relationship.
The woman broke up with her boyfriend because she didn’t like the baby’s name in her dream.
In a TikTok video that has been viewed more than 98,000 times, Emma explained how her boyfriend’s objections to her eldest daughter’s name choice ultimately led to their breakup.
According to Emma, the women in her family are often inspired to name their children in dreams in which they meet their child in the future and find out what his name will be. . “Many of my aunts knew what names to name their children based on dreams they had during or before pregnancy,” she shared.
Emma, who is not yet a mother, revealed that she had experienced a similar dream three years ago. “It was the clearest dream/vision I’ve ever had,” she said. “Basically, my future daughter came to me and said this is her name and that one day I would be her mother.”
Emma insisted she had “held onto” that dream and was confident that the name her child had revealed would be her first daughter’s name. “It was obvious this was going to be her name,” she added without revealing her name to her viewers.
One day, Emma and her boyfriend discussed baby names and talked about their dreams. Unfortunately, her boyfriend wasn’t a fan of her name. “His reaction was terrible,” Emma said. “He was like, ‘I don’t like that name.’ I would never name my child that.”
However, Emma knew in her heart that the name that appeared to her in a dream was definitely the name of her eldest daughter, despite her boyfriend’s objections.
She took her boyfriend’s disapproval as a sign that their relationship was not working and that he was not the father of her future child.
Still, the two stayed together for a while after their heated conversation. However, whenever the topic of future baby names comes up with her friends and family, Emma continues to insist that her future daughter’s name was inspired by her own dreams. Her boyfriend claimed to be “very excited.”
One day, Emma had another powerful dream similar to the dream in which she learned her future daughter’s name. “In her dream, I was in the bathtub, gave birth to my future daughter, pulled her daughter up and laid her on her chest. And it turned out that it was her ” she recalled. Oh my god, this is her…this is her name. ”
Emma said her boyfriend was also in the dream. Shortly after giving birth to her daughter, she saw him, told him that her name was hers, and demanded that he leave.
“We broke up in a dream,” she said. “It was a moment of very intense motherly energy. I had just given birth and I was holding this baby and I was taking a bath and I told him to get out of the house, I can’t be in the house anymore. , he said.”Life. ”
The day after Emma had her dream, she broke up with her boyfriend in real life. Now I can’t help but wonder if her first dream was the first clue that it wouldn’t last long.
Although some people may believe that their dreams are messages or hints about the future, there is little evidence that dreams can predict the future.
According to the researchers, Dreams occur for various reasons. These can be a result of the neurological maintenance that the brain performs during sleep, emotional processing and regulation, and the reoccurrence of anxiety-provoking or unresolved memories.
Dreaming also serves as a way to mediate memory consolidation and mood regulation. The process is similar Off to an overnight therapy session.
However, just because you have a dream about a specific life event does not mean There is no guarantee that they will occur in the future. She may dream of a future son, but in the end only a daughter will be born.
Still, just because dreams can’t tell the future doesn’t mean they’re meaningless. According to Alan IserHe, a psychologist and clinical instructor at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, says dreams “deal with the kinds of personal and emotional conflicts that people experience in their daily lives.”
So even if Emma’s dream wasn’t a premonition, it may have been her subconscious warning her that the relationship wasn’t what it was supposed to be.
Megan Quinn is a writer for YourTango, covering entertainment and news, self, love and relationships.