Bats and spiders get most of the attention during Halloween and the spooky season, but October is also ladybug season in many parts of the United States. Alongside its cousins, aptly nicknamed “Halloween Beetles,” wisconsin to north carolina to new hampshire Historically, it has been reported that these insects are more common indoors at this time of year. Here’s why:
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Seeking warmth
Ladybugs typically spend the warm summer months outdoors. garden and grass. As fall deepens and temperatures begin to drop, insects are likely to start looking for places to hibernate indoors.
They may also be looking for a safe, warm place to lay their eggs. According to this old houseWhen a ladybug finds a suitable place to lay eggs, it often leaves behind a pheromone trail that tells other ladybugs in the colony, “Hey, this is a safe, warm, and perfect place to lay eggs.”
They are most commonly found in cracks in doors and windows where they can easily enter. Also, Hitchhike on a potted plant And the flowers arrived at my house.
How to tell the difference between a ladybug and a Halloween beetle
The more famous and common ladybird (Hippodamia converges) is often confused with its cousin. asian ladybug Also known as Harlequin ladybug or Halloween beetle (Harmonia achiridis). These bugs are also red in color, but they can also appear more orange. More spots on the back. They are also more common to flock to homes before fall and winter. Both species are members of the Coccinellidae family of beetles, but belong to different genera.
Here’s the easiest way to tell two cousins apart. look at their spots. If there are more spots, it’s a Halloween beetle. If there are only seven, it’s a ladybug. You can also look around their “neck”. Halloween beetles have different markings that look like butterflies or a black “M”. They are also generally larger than ladybugs.
Ladybugs also usually have a round or oval shape. The Halloween beetle also has an oval appearance, but its head and snout are pointed and slightly longer.
According to entomologists at the University of Kentucky, Asian ladybugs appear to be attracted to illuminated surfaces with contrasting light and dark. A partially sunlit house would be attractive to the Beatles.
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“Once the beetles land on a building, they look for crevices and protected places to spend the winter. They often congregate in attics, wall cavities and other protected places,” said the entomologist. I am. He told WBIR-TV in Knoxville, Tennessee.. “Ladybugs are attracted to light, so they’re often found around windows and light fixtures.”
Can they harm me or my home?
Ladybugs do more good than harm. they do not transmit disease, best friend in the garden, by eating aphids and insects that can ruin spring flowers and vegetables. Halloween beetles are generally more likely to invade your home.
Although not usually aggressive towards humans, Halloween beetles May bite when trapped or threatened. Like other insects, their bites can leave small red, itchy marks.
Halloween beetles can also harm furniture and carpets with their secretions.Several A safe way to keep them away This includes planting mums, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, citronella, citrus and mint plants. Keep ladybugs away naturallyseal the entry points in your home and use a door sweep at the bottom of the door.