Produced by Ankama Animation, the anime-inspired French animated series Wakfu debuted on October 30, 2008. The first season, based on the video game “Dofus”, consisted of 26 episodes and became a sudden hit among anime fans. Immediately after the hit first season, the series launched his 26-episode second season and his 13-episode third season, respectively. As a treat for fans, his four special episodes were added in the third season. But that’s not all. After the third season ended, fans started expecting the fourth season of Wakf. Here’s what we know about Wakfu season 4.
What is the update status of Wakfu Season 4?
Fortunately, on May 7, 2020, Ankama announced that the highly anticipated series “Wakfu” has been renewed for season 4. Despite this, the bad news continued that the fourth season would be the last.
When will Wakfu season 4 be released?
Along with the renewal announcement, Ankama said that the animated series ‘Wakfu’ will premiere in 2024. However, the exact premiere date has not yet been revealed. The series director revealed that production on season 4 is likely to be completed in November 2023. Therefore, the release date of Wakfu season 4 has not been finalized yet and fans will have to wait until the fall of 2024 to binge-watch their favorite show.
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waqf season 4 cast
In Wakfu’s upcoming fourth season, viewers can expect to encounter multiple narrators throughout the series. This could mean that the show’s creators are experimenting with different storytelling techniques or exploring new perspectives on the show’s central themes. For more details on season 4, the cast is as follows:
- Fanny Bullock as Hugo
- Genevieve Dou and Evangeline
- Adeline Steil: Amalia Sheran
- Keir Stewart as Rubirax
- Ross Grant as Lord Sadrigrove
- Hugo Chandor as Ruel Stroud
- Eric Meyers as Remington Smith
- Tom Clark Hill as King Oakheart
Wakfu, on the other hand, revolves around the life of a young boy, Yugo, who lives with his father. When Yugo turns 12, he decides to hunt down his real family. Meanwhile, he and his companions, known as the “Brotherhood of Tofu”, along with his extraordinary abilities, vowed to drive out evil and rid the world of the power of evil.
Additionally, the fourth chapter of Wakfu sees the Tofu Brotherhood fighting an army led by Jaul. And it’s not like Jual remains the biggest antagonist. It turned out to be “Badogon the Warlord”. Not only this, the fourth season also includes a declaration of war called “War of Clans”.
Despite the long wait for the premiere, fans were treated to a thrilling trailer for the animated series, Wakfu season 4 trailer.