Sports should provide thrills and entertainment, but this isn’t always the case. A popular online forum recently discussed the most boring sport, but despite the subject matter, the results make for interesting reading.
1. Little League T-ball
No need to worry. Regular baseball is also included in this list. But how painful is Little League T-ball when your own child isn’t on the diamond? Yes, I know.
2. Boxing
Boxing is not inherently boring, but one member said it can become boring when both fighters are in defense mode. That said, boxing exists for entertainment, so it’s no wonder fans of the sport demand high standards from boxing.
3. Rowing
Competitive rowers joined the discussion and tried to make a case for their favorite sport. However, he soon gave up, admitting that although he enjoyed taking part, rowing was “the most boring thing in the world”.
4. Motorsports
Four-wheeled sports also attracted negative opinions. One forum member described the Monaco F1 Grand Prix as “two hours of listening to commentary and admiring the scenery.”
5. Cricket
The British are back! Although cricket is also played in the United States, it is considered a uniquely British sport. When Major League Cricket begins in 2023, Americans will have a chance to see just how boring it can be.
6. Surfing
Another contributor described the surfing as “the contestants just flying around in the ocean, with the commentators doing their best to fill in the gaps in the action.” Oddly enough, they also confessed to watching most major surfing events.
7. Golf
Golf received considerable criticism and at one point was described as “TV for sleeping”. I have to agree here, as this is a top class sport, with great scenery and occasional shots of wildlife, including golfers battling trespassing crocodiles.
8. Cycling
There’s a theme here. When viewers start talking about the scenery, it suggests that the sport is boring. The same goes for cycling. However, one of the forum respondents recalled the stunning views of the French countryside.
9. Baseball
This is a controversial entry that polarizes the debate, but who would think baseball is boring? Homer Simpson, an obviously fictional character, once chimed in with the minority view and said he never knew the sport could be so boring. This claim arose during his rare period of sobriety.
10. Soccer
There’s a lot of mention of soccer, but most commenters mention the 0-0 draw. Many matches have goals, but defensive matches can get boring.
11. American Football
Want to light a hornet’s nest on fire? Trash the national game. The thread favored American Football, which one person described as “an hour of solid entertainment rolled into eight hours.”
12. Sailing
The sport of sailing has divided the online community. One person claimed that the situation was even worse because the crew was using an AC40 carbon fiber foil boat. Other readers may have fallen asleep in response to this forceful point, but we don’t know.
13. Snooker
Like many sports that divide opinion, snooker is nuanced and some people enjoy playing it safe. The problem is that more and more viewers are switching over for something more exciting.
14. Water polo
As one forum member stated, water polo is all about what happens “under the water.” Tackles are an important part of the game, but they’re invisible. The play above the waterline seems to have overwhelmed most viewers.
15. Darts
One poster tried to defend darts by talking about the role of match referees. They “live until they hear that man scream!” If it’s the most exciting element of the sport, darts is struggling.
16. Drone racing
Yes, this is a thing. After watching the game on ESPN, one commenter asked himself what he was watching. Perhaps it’s not surprising that drone racing exists, but it certainly should be shocking that a major broadcast station would choose to cover it.
17. Fencing
We’re talking about a sport where competitors fight with swords, not the act of building a wooden border around your garden. However, judging by the forum comments, the second option may be more interesting.
sauce: reddit.