In my opinion, sitcoms are some of the best television shows out there. The humor, plot, and well-written characters just clicked with me and I knew I wasn’t alone. Members of a popular online forum recently discussed who they think is the greatest sitcom character of all time. Here are some of the top answers.
1. Douglas Reynholm from the IT community
Matt Berry attracts attention in every scene, no matter what he appears in. Mighty BooshGarth Marenghi’s dark placeor even his performance in what we do in the shadows, His performance as Douglas was exceptional.
2. Abed Nadir from the community

Abed is a very unique character, and his perspective has given us so many non-traditional sitcom episodes. community.
3. Dwight Schrute from the Office

Dwight’s character changes from unhateable to forgivable to friend to annoying psychopath. His growth has been interesting to watch, and fans say his character was well written. Personally, I don’t understand why Michael Scott isn’t on this list. I love them both.
4. From “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” by Frank Reynolds

From Frank Reynolds It’s always sunny in Philadelphia They make us laugh, we cringe, and even weep.
5. From “Parks and Recreation” by Ron Swanson

Many users believe that Ron Swanson park and rec It was that man. Though rugged and brash, fans know that this manly man’s actions only reveal Ron’s caring and genuine heart.
6. Red and Kitty Forman from the ’70s Show

I have a tie. Red and Kitty Forman took fifth place together. They were ignorant, but they cared.
7. Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine

In my opinion, brooklyn 99 It’s a mix of the best characters ever and the most annoying characters ever. Captain Holt is the greatest of them all. And commenters agree.
8. Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development

According to one commenter, Lucille Bluth steals every scene she’s in, proving how well they wrote her character and Jessica Walter’s performance.
9. George Costanza Next Door

One commenter said this in this regard: “I think he’s one of the greatest characters of all time, not just in sitcoms. He’s the perfect intersection of believable and improbable. Everyone knows someone like George, and most Everyone has felt like George at least once, and you get to know his point of view on every stupid situation George encounters, even if it’s an outlandish point of view. ”
10. Hull from Malcolm in the Middle

Hal was one of the most mentioned characters on the forums. Fans were also quick to praise Bryan Cranston’s acting skills. malcolm in the middle and Breaking Bad, He has a wide range of defense!
11. Bender from Futurama

The lovable robot is futurama Known for his constant antics and intrigue. He is constantly stealing from strangers, acquaintances, and even his best friend.
12. Homer Simpson “The Simpsons”

The head of the Simpon family has been entertaining television viewers for decades. His memorable antics and hilarious quotes indicate he won’t be disappearing from our screens anytime soon.
13. Frank and Marie Barone from “Everybody Loves Raymond”

They are meddlesome, argumentative, and downright hilarious. Frank and Marie may not seem to get along, but despite their teasing, they love each other.
sauce: (Reddit).