Whether you’re prepping for glamping, stocking up on a rickety rain jacket, or stocking up on socks, there are plenty of outdoor retailers to meet your needs. Outdoor enthusiasts can find the right gear for their activity of choice, whether they’re shopping for hiking gear for their trekking outdoors or looking for camping gear for their next backpacking trip. I know how difficult it is. From hiking boots to climbing he harnesses to snowboards, the outdoor market can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to know where you can find quality picks from trusted outdoor brands, both online and in physical stores.
Buying IRL at an outdoor store like LLBean or REI is a great first step if you’re just getting started with outdoor activities and want a first-hand feel for the apparel and gear involved. Plus, look directly at your kayak, mountain bike, paddleboard, or modest climbing shoes and you’ll easily know what size you need.
On the other hand, online shopping for big-ticket items like tents and other essential camping gear should be avoided, especially if you want to avoid paying full price. From backpacking to water sports, outdoor gear can get expensive quickly, so browsing discount sites like Steep and Cheap, Sierra Trading Post, and REI Co-op’s outlet section is great for saving money. is.
Below are some of the best outdoor retailers to shop for, whether you’re looking to pick up in store or have your merch conveniently delivered to your doorstep. From sporting goods superstores like Dick’s to outdoor gear specialty stores in Backcountry and his REI, here you can find the new gear you need for the next great season in the outside world.
From camping essentials to luxury for seasoned hikers, Backcountry has what you’re looking for. The Utah-based company has dressed for the outdoors since 1996, running frequent sales on both luxury brands and big names like The North Face. In addition, the brand’s customer service team, affectionately known as Gearheads, is available to discuss orders online in his chat or over the phone and help select the right item.
It’s no surprise that online shopping giant Amazon actually has a relatively large selection of outdoor items and hiking gear, with plenty of customer reviews to guide your search.
Eddie Bauer’s history dates back to 1920. When you want outerwear, clothing, gear, shoes and more with 100 years of design know-how, look no further than the heavyweights in this outdoor industry. Eddie Bauer layering I especially like his options. The Travel His towels featured below are antibacterial and quick-drying.
When you think of Dick’s Sporting Goods, you might think of running gear, fitness equipment, or yoga essentials, but we also have plenty of essentials for exploring the great outdoors. From trekking poles to sleeping bags, the items you find at Dick’s can upgrade your next camping trip from sunrise to sunset.
Fans of outdoor recreation, unite. An Instagram-favorite brand, Outdoor Voices not only makes apparel that looks and feels great, but continues to expand his line of outdoor performance clothing, including BreakLite Windbreaker shorts and his Rectrek Zip-Off pants. increase.
Outdoor enthusiasts of all stripes can find both trail-tested products and the new products they need at REI. Come find name-brand items and stay with REI-branded gear that consistently earns 5-star ratings. , REI Adventure Tripin exchange for a $30 activation fee.
Shopping on a budget? Backcountry outlet division Steep and Cheap has some of the best deals in outdoor gear. As is often the case when browsing heavily discounted items, size availability may vary, so don’t hesitate to add it to your cart as soon as you find your size.
Patagonia makes clothes, bags and accessories that last a lifetime, for and by people who truly love nature and outdoor activities.And if something goes awry, the brand offers Repair service (And advice for DIY-ers out there) Pay. If you love reusing and recycling, check out his Worn Wear section on Patagonia as well. Used gear is usually sold here at reduced prices.
If you want to get back to nature in style, Huckberry is for you. In addition to exquisite clothing and homewares, the brand has a wide range of outdoor items to help you feel ready and fashionable for your next adventure.
Adidas Terrex is the outdoor division of one of our favorite athletic brands, bringing the sophisticated sensibility we love to the 3-Stripes brand with the rugged functionality we expect from outdoor footwear and clothing. I am merging. Trailer runners, hikers and climbers in particular should spend time perusing the selection here.
Going wet, cold, windy, or all of the above? Don’t pack your back without observing a marmot. With ever-evolving technology (such as featherless insulation and breathable yet fully waterproof coatings) and a limited lifetime warranty on our products, Marmot gear is simultaneously innovative and reliable.
With frequent sales, discounts, and category promotions, Moosejaw is the perfect retailer to check out for unobtrusive and incredible deals on outdoor gear. online resources Click here if you are interested in general outdoor and the latest items tested direct or required camping cooking Inspiration.
Another great option for discount gear, Sierra is the outdoorsy sister brand of bargain-seeking Marshalls and TJ Maxx. And just like those stores, if you look at the Sierra, even if you just come in for a new yoga mat, you’ll actually need a dozen or more at this retailer’s amazingly discounted prices. You may notice that
The North Face treads the line between technical performance apparel and streetwear with great finesse, creating clothing, jackets and shoes that keep you comfortable on the trail and stylish in the city. Also, the Tekware Fleece Pants featured below won him a SELF Activewear Award for Best Hiking Pants.
LLBean staples are made for chilly hikes and long picnics in the park, from our signature canvas totes to our ultra-warm lined flannel shirts. Also, if you’re in Freeport, Maine, stop by the brand’s flagship store, giant bean boots.