Choosing your favorite Samuel L. Jackson character is like choosing your favorite child, it’s that easy. Deciding which memorable characters he conjured into his life that best represent him as an actor pose more complex questions.
Debuted in 1972 together for days, Jackson boasts credits in over 200 films and television shows. His appearance often surprises, if not shocking. For a performer perhaps not known for his versatility, his career has transcended genres. As the following list proves, Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t just scream, curse, and shoot people…but we love what he does.
1. Jules Winfield – Pulp Fiction (1994)

There is no competition for the number one spot. This tells us something. Jackson plays Jules Winfield, a ruthless hitman with a ball of rage curled up like Jeri and a cock in one hand and the Good Book in the other, and plays the likes of Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, and Wicked. He established himself as one of the leading figures in the film industry. witch of the west His hurricane-like performance commands attention even in an egalitarian ensemble cast. Tarantino’s killer dialogue does its job – throw a dart at a script and you win money – but it’s Jackson’s sheer magnetism, rivaling that of a small planet, that keeps audiences glued to the screen. . Best line? Again, no contest. And again, that’s saying something.
Classic quote: “The path of the righteous is strung out on all sides by the inequalities of the selfish and the tyranny of the wicked…”
2. Mitch Hennessy – Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)

Jackson claims he had the most fun of his career playing corrupt cop-turned-low-rent private investigator Mitch Hennessy in this criminally underrated action thriller. No other role (with one obvious exception) plays his dubious personality so shrewdly and provides him with a lavish banquet of mean-spirited one-liners. Co-star Geena Davis gets top pay and their on-screen chemistry is sizzling, but Jackson is still leaving the show.
Classic quote: “I’m not handsome, and I’m not rich. The last time I got blown away, a candy bar cost a nickel.”
3. Gator Purify – Jungle Fever (1991)

Jackson brings pathos and humor to a character who, on paper, isn’t much more than abominable filth. It goes without saying that his portrayal of Wesley Snipe’s nefarious brother is anything but disgusting. But audiences will probably react differently when they see Old Purify plugging Gator’s belly and bleeding out in his mother’s arms without a trace of emotion.
Classic quote: “I swear before God…and four more white people! This is the last time!”
4. Nick Fury – Marvel Universe

Nick Fury, founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. and de facto boss of the Avengers, is not one to tease, but he could be just as stern-faced and stern as the next superhero honcho. But from time to time he lets off some cynicism like this – a perfectly Jacksonian response to WSC’s plan to nuclear attack Manhattan – not only does Jackson play Fury in the film; The original incarnation reminds us that was the source of inspiration for the current Fury.
Classic quote: “I realize that the board made the decision. But considering it was a stupid decision, I chose to ignore it.”
5. Mace Windu – Star Wars

Question: What if we erased all traces of Jar Jar Binks? Star Wars The universe also meant sacrificing Jackson’s political status as a chrome-domed, purple lightsaber-wielding Jedi tycoon, but would anyone choose that? In case you were wondering, the answer is “No, it’s not!”
Classic quote: “Remember that war is like a fire across the galaxy. It spreads and consumes. We must never waver in the face of that fire. We are the Guardians. We are the Jedi.”
6. Stephen Warren – Django Unchained (2012)

Fans get two for the price of one here, and Jackson basically fills two roles. For Stupid White People, he pantomimes the clingy, weak houseboy, a grotesque stereotype once popularized by Hollywood. In reality, it masks his true identity: the cunning and malignant “Mammy” to Leonardo DiCaprio’s sadistic planter. Jackson pulls off a dangerous tightrope act for a variety of reasons with audacious dexterity.
Classic quote: “This is Candyland, Mom!”
7. Frozone – The Incredibles (2004)

Pixar’s dizzying foray into the superhero genre puts Jackson in somewhat unfamiliar territory for PG. Unsurprisingly, he shows off his consummate comedic talent, imbuing the character with subversive street-smart hints of sassiness that even the screenwriters hadn’t thought of, and he pulls it off. What makes this truly remarkable is that he does it without using his F-his word, which is an expletive that he usually deploys with an eloquence and originality that borders on his art. .
Classic quote: “Honey, where is my super suit?”
8. Carl Lee Haley – A Time to Kill (1996)

Despite stiff competition from a supporting cast that included Brenda Fricker, Chris Cooper, and the late M. Emmett Walsh, Jackson played the role of a Mississippi lumberjack accused of murdering a white man who raped his 10-year-old daughter. He once again won acting honors.This film divided the opinions of critics and reviewers. Some viewers criticized it He is perceived as an advocate of vigilante justice. However, Jackson’s performance, full of anger and immense pain, received universal praise.
Classic quote: “Yes, they deserved to die. And I hope they burn!”
9. Ray Arnold – Jurassic Park (1993)

Another bit part where Jackson delivers the film’s important lines with perfect weight with typical poise.
Classic quote: “We can’t bring Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry.”
10. Senor Love Daddy – Do the Right Thing (1989)

As temperatures rise and racial tensions rise, Spike Lee’s daily life in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant is snapped by Jackson’s very chill DJ Trying to keep a lid on it with tough love. Jackson plays a one-man Greek choir and his father’s director, a mix of scolding and isolated detachment.
Classic quote: “You’ve got to cool that crap down. That’s double true, Ruth.”
11. Neville Flynn – Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Terrible title, terrible movie. This over-the-top cult wannabe that experienced a crushing disappointment after historic online hype boasts only one highlight, but there’s no prize for guessing what it is. Can one inspired line save a movie? When it comes out of Samuel L. Jackson’s mouth, it does. Well almost.
Classic quote: “I went through it on this goddamn plane with these damn snakes!”
12. Hold Up Man – Coming to America (1988)

Even in small roles that don’t require a name, Jackson leaves his mark. In the split second when Eddie Murphy tries to thwart a drunken robber with a mop, he does his signature lick. Menacing, funny, and totally unforgettable, it’s like a blueprint for everything that’s to come.
Classic quote: (In response to a request to tone down the language): “Shit you! “